Statements: Promsyrioimport

Canonical ID: NK-8vcvu9dQsZZ5yyXsF5h3GE · Entity type: Company (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Organization:summaryمعاقبة أمريكيا لدوره في نقل النفط الايراني لسوريا وارتباطها بالشركة السورية لنقل النفطarasy_obsalytics_opensyropensyr-node-3568
Organization:summaryState-owned Russian company and a subsidiary of the Russian Ministry of Energy (Minenergo). Under US sanctions over its role in transporting Iranian oil to Syria and affiliation with the Syrian Company for Oil Transport (SCOT).engsy_obsalytics_opensyropensyr-node-3568
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