Statements: Abu Hani SHAMMOUT

Canonical ID: NK-SjhXG6x8Q8E3F8x2KMmn35 · Entity type: Person (reference)

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Person:positionAbu Hani SHAMMOUT is a former Syrian military officer and leader of the “al-Ahdat al-Omariya” faction, responsible, alongside Russian recruiters, for the enrolment of Syrian mercenaries from Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem, south of Damascus, destined to fight for the Russian forces in Libya and in Ukraine. He has been directly charged by the Wagner Group with overseeing the recruitment of veterans. He is therefore responsible for actions and policies which undermine ...eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-142836
Person:positionAbu Hani SHAMMOUT is a former Syrian military officer and leader of the “al-Ahdat al-Omariya” faction, responsible, alongside Russian recruiters, for the enrolment of Syrian mercenaries from Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem, south of Damascus, destined to fight for the Russian forces in Libya and in Ukraine. He has been directly charged by the Wagner Group with overseeing the recruitment of veterans. He is therefore responsible for actions and policies which undermine ...eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-8580-78
Person:positionAbu Hani SHAMMOUT is a former Syrian military officer and leader of the “al-Ahdat al-Omariya” faction, responsible, alongside Russian recruiters, for the enrolment of Syrian mercenaries from Yalda, Babila and Beit Sahem, south of Damascus, destined to fight for the Russian forces in Libya and in Ukraine. He has been directly charged by the Wagner Group with overseeing the recruitment of veterans. He is therefore responsible for actions and policies which undermine ...be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-8580-78
Person:positionКолишній сирійський військовий офіцер і лідер угрупування «Аль-Ахдат аль-Омарія»ukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-17279-sammut-samut-abu-hani
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