Statements: Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation

Canonical ID: NK-ZSYwNUJeVRptthnMWmLtzs · Entity type: Company (reference)

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Company:descriptionKOMID is the primary DPRK arms dealer and main exporter of goods and equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons. It has been involved in numerous sanctions violations and operates in various countries. KOMID uses an extensive network of subsidiaries, companies and individuals on its behalf. According to Paragraph 119 (p. 70) of the UN Panel of Experts September 2022 report, KOMID still has an ongoing relationship with Equatorial Guinea. US authorities reported that KOMID and the Wagner Group were behind a deal to deliver ammunition from the DPRK to Russia in November 2022.kp_rusi_reportskprusi-2098a2a1a4c125031467085167e05c920c0df330
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