Statements: JO CHOL SONG

Canonical ID: NK-amnnDdwtUHZ9NH8LexnNCj · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:description"Representative (KPe.003) for the Korea Kwangson Banking Corporation (KKBC. KPe.025), which provides financial services in support to Tanchon Commercial Bank and Korea Hyoksin Trading Corporation (KPe.006), a subordinate entity of Korea Ryonbong General Corporation (KPe.002)". Used false entity names for the KKBC, such as “Good Field Trading Limited (城豐貿易有限公司)” and “Golden Tiger Investment Group (金虎(香港)國際投資集團有限公司)”, both registered in Hong Kong. According to Chinese authorities, "China has closed all the representative offices of the DPRK financial institutions in China, and all the relevant representatives in China have left China".kp_rusi_reportskprusi-de61bff85e57aa1ed06c13e53751396fa4d6e807
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