Statements: Munitions Industry Department

Canonical ID: NK-c7wBgN66wEgjLqADDyDTzW · Entity type: Organization (reference)

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Organization:descriptionThe Munitions Industry Department (MID) of DPRK plays a significant role in the country's missile program, overseeing the development of ballistic missiles including the Taepo Dong 2, weapons production, and R&D programs. The Second Economic Committee (KPe.032) and the Second Academy of Natural Sciences (KPe.018), both designated in 2010, fall under MID's supervision. In recent times, MID has focused on the development of the KN08 road mobile ICBM. According to a Member State, DPRK's IT workers linked to MID have been generating foreign currency by selling voice phishing hacking applications and managing multiple overseas servers and IP addresses.kp_rusi_reportskprusi-15090e2196d5c889b52a41cda7ec880ca2e2278f
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