Statements: Khorasan Metallurgy Industries

Canonical ID: NK-gxYLq5AAt7ttpQWMutB9yq · Entity type: Organization (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Organization:address2nd km of Khalaj Road End of Seyyedi St., P.O. Box 91735/549, 91735 Mashadfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1779
Organization:addressP.O. Box 91735-549, Mashadengus_ofac_sdnofac-11441
Organization:addressKhalaj Road, End of Seyedi Street, Mashadengus_ofac_sdnofac-11441
Organization:addressMashhad, 2nd km of Khalaj Road, end of Seyyedi St, PO Box 91735-549, 91735, Irangb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-inu0041
Organization:addressPO Box 91735-549, Mashhad, 2nd km of Khalaj Road end of Seyyedi St, Irangb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-inu0241
LegalEntity:addressMASHAD, KHALAJ ROAD, END OF SEYEDI STREET, IRNengus_sam_exclusionsusgsa-s4mr3q13f
Organization:addressAdresse : 2nd km of Khalaj Road End of Seyyedi St., P.O.Box 91735-549, 91735 Machad, Iran.mc_fund_freezesmc-freezes-c585563f964976036649f81188abe2810da414da
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