Canonical ID: NK-jn7EPTxuDUBxm9soTeEWYY
· Entity type: Organization
Property | Value | Lang | Source dataset | Source ID | First seen | ||
Organization:name | Staatsfonds ter ondersteuning van deelnemers aan de speciale militaire operatie “Defenders of the Fatherland” | nld | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | fondazione "Defenders of the Fatherland" | ita | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | „A Haza Védelmezői” Állami Alap Különleges Katonai Művelet Résztvevőinek Támogatásár | hun | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Foundation “Defenders of the Fatherland” | eng | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Государственный фонд поддержки участников специальной военной операции “защитники отечества” | rus | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Stichting “Defenders of the Fatherland” | nld | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | ίδρυμα Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation | ell | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | fundação “Defenders of the Fatherland” | por | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fondation “Défenseurs de la Patrie” | fra | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation | eng | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | A Haza Védelmezői Alapítvány | hun | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Фондацията „Defenders of the Fatherland“ | bul | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | „A Haza Védelmezői” Alapítvány | hun | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Zaklada ,Defenders of the Fatherland’ | hrv | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fundación “Defensores de la patria” | spa | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | State Fund For Support Of Participants Of The Special Military Operation “Defenders of the Fatherland” | eng | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fundacja »Defenders of the Fatherland« | pol | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | stiftelsen för fäderneslandets försvarare | swe | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fonden »Defenders of the Fatherland« | dan | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Stiftung „Verteidiger des Vaterlandes“ | deu | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | ФОНД “ЗАЩИТНИКИ ОТЕЧЕСТВА” | rus | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | nadácia „Obrancovia vlasti“ | slk | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Nadace „Obránci vlasti" | ces | eu_fsf | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
LegalEntity:name | Foundation “Defenders of the Fatherland” | ch_seco_sanctions | ch-seco-70715 | ||||
Organization:name | Zaklada ,Defenders of the Fatherland’ | hrv | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Фондацията „Defenders of the Fatherland“ | bul | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fundación “Defensores de la patria” | spa | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | ίδρυμα Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation | ell | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Stiftung „Verteidiger des Vaterlandes“ | deu | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | „A Haza Védelmezői” Állami Alap Különleges Katonai Művelet Résztvevőinek Támogatásár | hun | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | ФОНД “ЗАЩИТНИКИ ОТЕЧЕСТВА” | rus | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | fondazione "Defenders of the Fatherland" | ita | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Stichting “Defenders of the Fatherland” | nld | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fundacja »Defenders of the Fatherland« | pol | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Foundation “Defenders of the Fatherland” | eng | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | A Haza Védelmezői Alapítvány | hun | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Nadace „Obránci vlasti" | ces | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Государственный фонд поддержки участников специальной военной операции “защитники отечества” | rus | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Staatsfonds ter ondersteuning van deelnemers aan de speciale militaire operatie “Defenders of the Fatherland” | nld | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | nadácia „Obrancovia vlasti“ | slk | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | stiftelsen för fäderneslandets försvarare | swe | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fondation “Défenseurs de la Patrie” | fra | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | „A Haza Védelmezői” Alapítvány | hun | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | fundação “Defenders of the Fatherland” | por | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation | eng | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Fonden »Defenders of the Fatherland« | dan | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | State Fund For Support Of Participants Of The Special Military Operation “Defenders of the Fatherland” | eng | be_fod_sanctions | eu-fsf-eu-11002-20 | |||
Organization:name | Foundation “Defenders of the Fatherland” (Fondation “Défenseurs de la Patrie”) | fra | mc_fund_freezes | mc-freezes-c2511062ca5407bdfd4a42b58d5db916fc03316c | |||
Organization:name | Foundation “Defenders of the Fatherland” (Fondation “Défenseurs de la Patrie”) | fra | fr_tresor_gels_avoir | fr-ga-7054 |