Statements: Pan Systems Pyongyang

Canonical ID: NK-kgSH4qvFRqcRFEyVuyqTuD · Entity type: Company (reference)

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Company:descriptionKey player in financial operations related to the network of Global Communications (Glocom) in order to circumvent sanctions on behalf of the DPRK. Pan Systems in Singapore started doing business in 1996. Almost two years later, Ryang Su Nyo suggested establishing a representative office to help her in sales and logistics. The company is operated by the DPRK Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB; KPe.031) and was designated by South Korea in March 2016. "According to a UN Member State, an Indonesian company, Advanced Technology Facility, on behalf of Pan Systems Pyongyang, provided training on how to use Glocom radios to the Ethiopian National Defence Forces in December 2022."kp_rusi_reportskprusi-d34a6b248122bde65f048b256557d199405a0046
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