Statements: Namchongang Trading Corporation

Canonical ID: NK-oSBeqLSswbhkdiCMfE5h3u · Entity type: Company (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Company:descriptionTrading company involved in the illicit procurement and proliferation activities by the DPRK, including nuclear research and weapon development. Subordinate to the General Bureau of Atomic Energy (GBAE. KPe.007).kp_rusi_reportskprusi-c18ac76ed094cc9af626d93737dd46ab966c9a20
LegalEntity:descriptiona) Chilsol, Pyonsyans, Kore Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyeti b) Sengujadong 11-2/(or Kwangbok-dong), Mangyongdae District, Pyongyang, Kore Demokratik Halk Cumhuriyetitr_fcibtr-fcib-44e71682a6a6c3626a682a63153c2503789ba05c
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