Statements: Alba Luz Ramos Vanegas

Canonical ID: Q107119260 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionPresident of the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua, she is responsible for instrumentalisation of the judiciary in favour of the interests of the Ortega regime, through the selective criminalisation of opposition activities, perpetuating the pattern of violations of rights of due process, arbitrary arrests, and the disqualification of political parties and opposition candidates.be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-6578-28
Person:positionPresident of the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua, she is responsible for instrumentalisation of the judiciary in favour of the interests of the Ortega regime, through the selective criminalisation of opposition activities, perpetuating the pattern of violations of rights of due process, arbitrary arrests, and the disqualification of political parties and opposition candidates.eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-131232
Person:positionAncienne présidente de la Cour suprême de justice du Nicaraguafrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-3660
Person:positionFormer President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua.spaeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-6578-28
Person:positionPresident of the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaraguagb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-nic0011
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