Statements: Rustam Ilmirovich TEMIRGALIEV

Canonical ID: Q15903801 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionFormer Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea. On 11 June 2014, he resigned from his function as ‘First Deputy Prime Minister’ of the so-called ‘Republic of Crimea’. Former General Director of the Managing Company of the Russian-Chinese Investment Fund for Regional Development.eu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-4231-93
Person:positionVice-Premier ministre de Criméefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1454
Person:positionAncien directeur général de la société gérant le fond d'investissement russo-chinois pour le développement régionalfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1454
Person:positionDeputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea; Crimean Deputy Prime Ministerengus_ofac_sdnofac-16753
Person:positionFormer Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea. On 11 June 2014, he resigned from his function as ‘First Deputy Prime Minister’ of the so-called ‘Republic of Crimea’. Former General Director of the Managing Company of the Russian-Chinese Investment Fund for Regional Development.be_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-4231-93
Person:positionManaging Company of the Russian-Chinese Investment Fund for Regional Developmentenggb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-rus0141
Person:positionFormer Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea. On 11 June 2014, he resigned from his function as ‘First Deputy Prime Minister’ of the so-called ‘Republic of Crimea’. Former General Director of the Managing Company of the Russian-Chinese Investment Fund for Regional Development.eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7283
Person:positionFormer “Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea”engjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-0b3e3626f12c1394a1e5ce2432e6fb937ff8299d
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