Statements: Natalia Vladimirovna POKLONSKAYA

Canonical ID: Q15963668 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:positionProsecutor of Crimeaengus_ofac_sdnofac-17261
Person:positionFormer Prosecutor of the so-called Republic of Crimea”gb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-rus0054
Person:positionFormer Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation elected from the illegally annexed Autonomous Republic of Crimeagb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-rus0054
Person:positionFirst Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for Security and countering corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federationgb_fcdo_sanctionsgb-fcdo-rus0054
Person:positionFormer Deputy head of the Federal Agency for Compatriots Living Abroad (CIS), and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Adviser to the Prosecutor-General of Russia since June 2022. Former Member of the State Duma, elected from the illegally annexed Autonomous ‘Republic of Crimea’. Former Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for International affairs, member of the Commission on the investigation on foreign interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee for security and countering corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Former Ambassador in the diplomatic corps of the Russian Federation.engeu_fsfeu-fsf-eu-3534-76
Person:positionFormer Deputy head of the Federal Agency for Compatriots Living Abroad (CIS), and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Adviser to the Prosecutor-General of Russia since June 2022. Former Member of the State Duma, elected from the illegally annexed Autonomous ‘Republic of Crimea’. Former Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for International affairs, member of the Commission on the investigation on foreign interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee for security and countering corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Former Ambassador in the diplomatic corps of the Russian Federation.engbe_fod_sanctionseu-fsf-eu-3534-76
Person:positionFormer Deputy head of the Federal Agency for Compatriots Living Abroad (CIS), and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Adviser to the Prosecutor-General of Russia since June 2022. Former Member of the State Duma, elected from the illegally annexed Autonomous ‘Republic of Crimea’. Former Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for International affairs, member of the Commission on the investigation on foreign interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee for security and countering corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Former Ambassador in the diplomatic corps of the Russian Federation.eu_travel_banseu-tb-logical-7346
Person:positionLow priorityengru_acf_bribetakersacf-6ce78b7b48ddecc71d317ed9ed2f43470cebb06f
Person:positionНизкий приоритетrusru_acf_bribetakersacf-6ce78b7b48ddecc71d317ed9ed2f43470cebb06f
Person:positionpublic prosecutor generalengwikidataQ15963668
Person:positionmember of the State DumaengwikidataQ15963668
Person:positionDuma (member, 2016-)everypoliticianevpo-3ed9d60b-dd5e-45df-aa7d-eaf3763a59c2
Person:position"прокурор Республіки Крим"ukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-11284-poklonska-natalia-volodimirivna
Person:positionколишній «прокурор Республіки Крим»ukrua_nsdc_sanctionsua-nsdc-11284-poklonska-natalia-volodimirivna
Person:position“Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea”engjp_mof_sanctionsja-mof-ac2f36cd2bfa931c79e562e249814a43963cbe13
Person:positionAncienne députée de la Douma d'État, élue de la “République autonome de Crimée” illégalement annexéefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
Person:positionConseillère du Procureur général de Russie depuis juin 2022frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
Person:positionMembre de la commission chargée des enquêtes sur les ingérences étrangères dans les affaires intérieures de la Fédération de Russiefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
Person:positionAncienne procureure de la soi-disant "République de Crimée"frafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
Person:positionAncienne directrice adjointe de l'Agence fédérale Rossotrudnichestvofrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
Person:positionMembre de la commission de la sécurité et de la lutte contre la corruption de la Douma d'État de la Fédération de Russiefrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
Person:positionAncienne vice-présidente de la commission des affaires internationalesfrafr_tresor_gels_avoirfr-ga-1473
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