Statements: Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN

Canonical ID: Q7747 · Entity type: Person (reference)

PropertyValueLangSource datasetSource IDFirst seen
Person:educationSchool 281 (1968-1970)engwikidataQ7747
Person:educationAcademy of Foreign IntelligenceengwikidataQ7747
Person:educationCandidate of Economic Sciences (1997)engwikidataQ7747
Person:educationSt. Petersburg Institute of the FSB of RussiaengwikidataQ7747
Person:educationFaculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University (1970-1975)engwikidataQ7747
Person:educationAcademy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian FederationengwikidataQ7747
Person:educationSchool 193 (1960-1968)engwikidataQ7747
Person:educationSaint Petersburg State UniversityengwikidataQ7747
Person:educationSaint Petersburg Mining University (-1997)engwikidataQ7747
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