Statements: Trans Multi Mechanics Co. Ltd.

Canonical ID: kprusi-c5477a36d570092db34daf68c8b7a9c9cacf3263 · Entity type: Company (reference)

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Company:descriptionChang Wen-Fu, the chief executive officer of Trans Multi Mechanics Co., Ltd, has been actively involved in the procurement of dual-use machinery for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Furthermore, Trans Multi Mechanics was used by Hsien Tai Tsai (also known as Alex Tsai) to procure and ship hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and to negotiate contracts on behalf of its entities or individuals.kp_rusi_reportskprusi-c5477a36d570092db34daf68c8b7a9c9cacf3263
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