Statements: Embassy of the DPRK in Egypt

Canonical ID: kprusi-dcfaeba4e08189868e332991a46c9c50e3b2afc8 · Entity type: Organization (reference)

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Organization:descriptionNorth Korean Embassy. The Korea Tonghae Shipping Company had an office in the DPRK Embassy in Cairo. The Panel investigated DPRK diplomat An Jong Hyok, who was a representative of the Ministry of Military Equipment in the Middle East and Africa, and worked for Green Pine Associated Corporation. In August 2016, An tried to negotiate the release of a seized vessel and its rocket-propelled grenade cargo in Egypt. In April 2018, Egypt confirmed that An was at the DPRK Embassy in Cairo but later informed the Panel that he had permanently left. Egypt denied any military cooperation with the DPRK following queries about its Defence Office in Pyongyang.kp_rusi_reportskprusi-dcfaeba4e08189868e332991a46c9c50e3b2afc8
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