Flag of Spain


Spain, or the Kingdom of Spain, is a country located in Southwestern Europe, with parts of its territory in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Mediterranean Sea and in Africa. It is the largest country in Southern Europe and the fourth-most populous European Union member state.
See also: European Union


Our standard dataset contains 16,267 entities connected with Spain. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We include 1 data source published by authorities or organizations based in Spain. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Spain National Police Most Wanted ListCNP daily9

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Spain

We are not yet including any targeting entities that are based in Spain.

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 11,919 entities identified as PEPs connected with Spain.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
king emeritus of Spain--1
President of the Government1--
Prime Minister of Spain-41
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Defence Minister of Spain-4-
Deputy Prime Minister of Spain-32
Education and Universities minister-1-
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Spain-2-
Fourth Deputy Prime Minister of Spain-1-
Health minister-5-
Insular Minister of Culture and Education-1-
Insular Minister of Spatial Planning and Housing-1-
Insular Minister of the Environment, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries-1-
Insular Minister of Tourism, Urbanism and Spatial Planning-1-
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food--1
Minister for Consumer Affairs-1-
Minister for Ecological Transition--1
Minister for Equality12-
Minister for Equality and Inclusive Policies-2-
Minister for Foreign Action-1-
Minister for Foreign Action & UE-11
Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation-21
Minister for Public Administration--1
Minister for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda-2-
Minister for Social Rights, Consumption and 2030 Agenda--1
Minister for Territorial Policy-4-
Minister for the Economy and Digital Transformation-1-
Minister for Universities-2-
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries-2-
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment-1-
Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Territory-1-
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, & Food1--
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment-2-
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries-2-
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food-31
Minister of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda-2-
Minister of Culture1--
Minister of Culture and Sport-4-
Minister of Culture of Spain-31
Minister of Defense1--
Minister of Development of Spain-5-
Minister of Digital Policies and Public Administration-1-
Minister of Digital Transformation1--
Minister of Ecological Transition & Demographic Challenge1--
Minister of Economic Affairs-11
Minister of Economy and Competitiveness-1-
Minister of Economy and Finance-1-
Minister of Economy and Finance-2-
Minister of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness-2-
Minister of Economy, Trade, & Business1--
Minister of Education-2-
Minister of Education and Science-1-
Minister of Education and Vocational Training-11
Minister of Education of Catalonia-2-
Minister of Education of Spain-1-
Minister of Education, Culture and Sport-2-
Minister of Education, Culture and Universities of the Balearic Islands-3-
Minister of Education, Social Policy and Sports-1-
Minister of Education, Vocational Training, & Sports1--
Minister of Families and Social Services--1
Minister of Family and Social Services of the Government of the Balearic Islands-1-
Minister of Finance & Civil Service1--
Minister of Finance and Budgets-1-
Minister of Finance and Public Administrations-1-
Minister of Finance and Public Function-11
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain-3-
Minister of Foreign Affairs, EU, & Cooperation1--
Minister of Governance and Public Administration-4-
Minister of Governance, Public Administration and Housing-1-
Minister of Health131
Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of Spain--1
Minister of Health and Social Policy-1-
Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Welfare-2-
Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality-5-
Minister of Home Affairs-81
Minister of Housing & Urban Agenda1--
Minister of Housing and Public Works-1-
Minister of Housing of Spain-1-
Minister of Immigration and Cooperation-1-
Minister of Inclusion, Social Security, & Migration11-
Minister of Industry--1
Minister of Industry & Tourism1--
Minister of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism-2-
Minister of Industry, Energy, and Tourism-4-
Minister of Innovation, Interior and Justice-1-
Minister of Interior1--
Minister of Justice-9-
Minister of Justice-7-
Minister of Justice, Rights & Memory-1-
Minister of Knowledge and Enterprises of the Generalitat of Catalonia-4-
Minister of Labor & Social Economy1--
Minister of Labor and Training-3-
minister of Labor, Migration and Social Security-31
Minister of Labour-1-
Minister of Labour and Immigration-1-
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs-1-
Minister of Labour and Social Security--1
Minister of Mobility and Housing-2-
Minister of Mobility and Spatial Planning-1-
Minister of Public Works, Housing and Transport-1-
Minister of Science and Innovation (Spain)-1-
Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities-11
Minister of Science, Innovation, & Universities1--
minister of Social Action and Citizenship-1-
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the Congreso de los Diputados-615-
National judicial branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Spain-822
president of the Supreme Court of Spain-33
National securityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Force-31
Chief of Staff of the Army-51
Chief of Staff of the Navy-32
Chief of Staff of the President of the Community of Madrid--1
director del Gabinete de la Presidencia de la Junta de Extremadura-1-
director del Gabinete de la Presidencia del Gobierno-21
jefe de Gabinete del Presidente de la Comunidad de Madrid-1-
Central banking and financial integrityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
President of the Court of Auditors--3
subgobernador del Banco de España-35
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassadeur de Guinée en Espagne--1
ambassador of Angola to Spain-11
ambassador of Argentina to Spain--6
ambassador of Azerbaijan to Spain--1
ambassador of Belarus to Spain-1-
ambassador of Cameroon to Spain--1
ambassador of Chile to Spain--2
ambassador of Colombia to Spain-1-
ambassador of El Salvador to Spain-1-
ambassador of Finland to Spain--1
ambassador of France to Spain-6-
ambassador of Germany to Spain-51
ambassador of Hungary to Spain-3-
ambassador of India to Spain-11
ambassador of Iran to Spain-21
ambassador of Ireland to Spain--1
ambassador of Israel to Spain-14
ambassador of Italy to Spain-12
ambassador of Japan to Spain-61
ambassador of Luxembourg to Spain--1
Ambassador of Malaysia to Spain-1-
ambassador of Mexico to Spain-11
ambassador of Morocco to Spain-24
ambassador of Mozambique to Spain-41
ambassador of New Zealand to Spain--1
ambassador of Norway to Spain-21
ambassador of Pakistan to Spain-41
ambassador of Palestine to Spain-23
ambassador of Peru to Spain-1-
ambassador of Poland to Spain-3-
ambassador of Portugal to Spain--1
ambassador of Qatar to Spain--1
Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Spain-11
ambassador of Slovakia to Spain--1
ambassador of Spain to Andorra-41
Ambassador of Spain to Estonia-41
Ambassador of Spain to Malawi-2-
Ambassador of Spain to Zambia-2-
ambassador of the Netherlands to Spain-1-
ambassador of the Russian Federation to Spain-31
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Spain-41
ambassador of Ukraine to Spain-4-
Ambassador to the US1--
apostolic Nuncio to Spain-21
Austrian ambassador to Spain--1
Consul General of France in Barcelona-11
consul general of Italy in Barcelona-11
Equatorial Guinea ambassador to Spain-22
permanent representative of Spain to the Council of Europe-2-
Permanent representative of Spain to the European Union-43
Permanent Representative of Spain to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-4-
permanent representative of Spain to the OECD-1-
Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations-95
Taiwanese representative to Spain--2
United States Ambassador to Spain-26
Venezuelan ambassador to Spain-1-

Subnational government positions

Number of known occupants
Subnational executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Delegate of the Government in Castile and León--5
minister in the Basque Government--2
Minister of Culture of the Balearic Islands--1
Minister of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia-31
Minister of Economy and Finance of the Junta of Castile and León--1
Minister of Economy and Treasury of Catalonia-31
Minister of Education of Catalonia-31
Minister of Health of Catalonia-31
Minister of Health of the Community of Madrid--1
Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Families of Catalonia-1-
Minister of Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia-21
Minister of Territory and Sustainability of Catalonia-1-
minister of the Generalitat Valenciana--7
Minister of the Government of the Balearic Islands--1
Minister of the Presidency of the Government of Catalonia-31
Regional Minister for Foreign Action, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Government of Catalonia-2-
Regional Minister of Social Affairs of the Government of Catalonia-21
vice president of the Junta de Castilla y León-12
Subnational legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
diputado del parlamento vasco en la primera legislatura--14
Diputado foral de Álava-21
diputado provincial de Albacete--1
diputado provincial de Alicante--4
diputado provincial de Alicante-22
diputado provincial de Castellón--5
diputado provincial de Guadalajara--5
diputado provincial de Jaén--5
diputado provincial de Pontevedra--1
diputado provincial de Sevilla--1
diputado provincial de Tarragona-214
diputado provincial de Toledo--7
diputado provincial de Ávila--2

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the Congress of Deputies145754
member of the Senate of Spain-92336
Member of the Parliament of Catalonia-24668
member of the Assembly of Madrid-136113
member of the Corts Valencianes-62125
deputy of the Basque Parliament-8643
Member of the Cortes of Castile and León-8635
member of the Parliament of Galicia-994
Barcelona provincial deputy-7227
Member of the Parliament of Andalusia-579
Madrid municipal councillor-576
city councilor of Barcelona-1057
Member of the Parliament of Navarre-516
Provincial Deputy of Girona-2231
Member of the Assembly of Extremadura--49
Member of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands-1831
mayor of a place in Spain1340
Member of the Cortes of Aragon-140
city councillor of Palafrugell-1423
city councillor of Girona-529
Deputy of the Parliament of La Rioja--34
city councillor of Badalona-726
Member of the Parliament of Castile-La Mancha--33
Member of the Parliament of the Canary Islands-230
deputy in the Regional Assembly of Murcia-129
member of the Parliament of Cantabria--30
Valencia city councilor-326
concejal del Ayuntamiento de Almería--24
Blanes city councillor--21
city councillor of Figueres--21
City councillor of Saragossa-219
member of the General Junta of the Principality of Asturias-119
Castell-Platja d'Aro city councillor--18
city councillor of Calonge i Sant Antoni-216
Town Councilor of Sabadell-414
city councillor of Palamós-115
city councillor of Reus--15
city councillor of Torroella de Montgrí--15
Salt city councillor--15
Deputy of the General Assembly of Gipuzkoa-104
Terrassa City Councillor--14
city councillor of Alicante-211
city councillor of Sant Feliu de Guíxols--13
member of Conselh Generau d'Aran--13
concejal del Ayuntamiento de Bagur-66
La Bisbal d'Empordà municipal councillor-111
Banyoles city councillor--11
city councillor of La Selva del Camp--11
City councillor of Palma--11
City councillor of Sant Cugat del Vallès--11
City councillor of Vic-110
concejal del Ayuntamiento de Valladolid--11
Hospitalet de Llobregat city councillor-29
Tarragona city councillor-29
Burgos municipal councillor-19
councilor of Alcalá de Henares--10
Provincial Deputy of Lleida-28
city councillor of Pals-18
concejal del Ayuntamiento de Oviedo-27
Castelló d'Empúries city councillor--8
Celrà city councillor-26
Cerdanyola del Vallès city councillor-17
city councillor of Manresa--8
concejal del Ayuntamiento de El Prat de Llobregat--8
concejal del Ayuntamiento de Talavera de la Reina--8
councilor of the City Council of Valls-17
mayor of Albacete--8
city councillor of Granollers--7
City Councillor of Toledo--7
city councillor of Tortosa--7
consejero de la Junta de Galicia--7
Provincial Deputy-25
Secretary of State for Security-16
Alcoi city councillor--6
Cartagena municipal councillor-15
city councillor of L'Escala-15
city councillor of Llagostera--6
city councillor of Ripoll--6
comarcal councillor of Baix Camp-15
concejal del Ayuntamiento de La Coruña-24
Councillor of the San Sebastian City Council-24
Deputy of the General Assembly of Bizkaia--6
deputy of Valencia province-15
Getafe municipal councillor--6
President of La Rioja-15
secretary of state of Spain-24
Seville city councillors--6
city councillor of Igualada-14
city councillor of Roses--5
concejal del Ayuntamiento de El Vendrell--5
councillor of Rivas-Vaciamadrid--5
Fuenlabrada municipal councillor--5
Logroño municipal councillor--5
mayor of Jaén--5
Mayor of Leganés--5
municipal councillor of Castellar del Vallès--5
porte-parole du groupe parlementaire du Parti populaire au Parlement valencien-41
presidente de las Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha--5
Santa Cristina d'Aro city councillor-23
Secretary of State for Justice-32

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...