Flag of Slovakia


Slovakia, officially the Slovak Republic, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Hungary to the south, Austria to the west, and the Czech Republic to the northwest.
See also: European Union


Our standard dataset contains 3,858 entities connected with Slovakia. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We include 1 data source published by authorities or organizations based in Slovakia. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Slovakia Public OfficialsNR SR weekly2,753

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Slovakia

We are not yet including any targeting entities that are based in Slovakia.

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 2,350 entities identified as PEPs connected with Slovakia.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Prime Minister-42
Prime Minister of Slovakia-92
Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic1--
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense1--
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy1--
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment1--
Deputy Prime Minister for the Recovery and Resilience Plan-51
Deputy Prime Minister for the Recovery and Resilience Plan and Use of EU Funds1--
Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic1--
Minister for Investments, Regional Development, & Informatization1--
Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development1--
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic-31
Minister of Culture13-
Minister of Defense-21
Minister of Economy-31
Minister of Education, Research, Development, & Youth1--
Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport-81
Minister of Environment-21
Minister of Finance1--
Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic-8-
Minister of Foreign Affairs-23
Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic-41
Minister of Health1--
Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic-141
Minister of Interior1--
Minister of Interior of the Slovak Republic-71
Minister of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization-21
Minister of Justice13-
Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic-81
Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, & Family1--
Minister of Tourism & Sport1--
Minister of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic--1
Minister of Transport1--
Minister of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic-31
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the National Council-39183
National judicial branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
President of the Constitutional Court-51
Central banking and financial integrityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Governor of the National Bank of Slovakia-21
Governor, National Bank of Slovakia1--
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassador of Andorra to Slovakia--1
ambassador of Angola to Slovakia-1-
ambassador of Australia to Slovakia-1-
ambassador of Austria to Slovakia--1
ambassador of Canada to Slovakia-1-
ambassador of France to Slovakia-61
ambassador of Hungary to Slovakia-3-
ambassador of Indonesia to Slovakia-11
ambassador of Jordan to Slovakia-1-
ambassador of Palestine to Slovakia-22
ambassador of Poland to Slovakia-6-
ambassador of Serbia to Slovakia-1-
ambassador of Slovakia-12
ambassador of Spain to Slovakia-41
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Slovakia-4-
ambassador of Ukraine to Slovakia-12
ambassador of Yemen to Slovakia--1
Ambassador to the US1--
Botschafter der Slowakischen Republik in Rom-31
Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the European Union-2-
Saudi ambassador to Slovakia--2
Slovene ambassador to Slovakia-11
United States Ambassador to Slovakia-11

Intergovernmental positions

Number of known occupants
International bodiesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York1--

Subnational government positions

No positions for this category

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic--184
Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic-5140
primátor mesta--143
State Secretary--44
Member of the Council of the Slovak Land Fund--24
Member of the Government of the Slovak Republic--22
Member of the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic--19
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (FUND FOR THE SUPPORT OF ARTS)--14
Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic--12
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (AUDIOVIZUÁLNY FOND)--12
Member of the RTVS Council--11
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Social Insurance Agency--11
Statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (FUND FOR SPORTS SUPPORT)--11
Chairman of the Higher Territorial Unit--9
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (TIPOS, NÁRODNÁ LOTÉRIOVÁ SPOLOČNOSŤ, A.S.)--8
Member of the Board of Directors of the National Memory Institute--8
member of the supervisory board of the Office for Health Care Supervision--7
member of the supervisory or monitoring body of a legal entity (ZÁPADOSLOVENSKÁ DISTRIBUČNÁ, A.S.)--7
Member of the Supervisory Board of the General Health Insurance Company--7
Member of the Supervisory or Controlling Body of a Legal Entity (NATIONAL NUCLEAR FUND)--7
Member of the Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission--7
Member of the Board of the News Agency of the Slovak Republic--7
member of the supervisory body or control body of a legal entity (STREDOSLOVENSKÁ ENERGETIKA HOLDING, A.S.)--6
member of the supervisory body or supervisory authority of a legal entity (WESTERN SLOVAK ENERGY, INC.)--6
member of the supervisory or administrative body of a legal entity (OKTE, A.S.)--6
Member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (EAST SLOVAKIA ENERGY HOLDING, INC.)--6
member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (SLOVAKIA IT, A.S.)--6
member of the supervisory or monitoring body of a legal entity (ZSE ENERGIA, A.S.)--6
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the governing body of a legal entity (COUNCIL FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT)--6
statutory body or member of the statutory body of the General Health Insurance Company--6
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (SLOVENSKÁ POŠTA, A.S.)--6
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (STREDOSLOVENSKÁ ENERGETIKA, A.S.)--6
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (MH MANAŽMENT, A.S.)--6
Statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (Hospital Poprad, Inc.)--6
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (NÁRODNÝ JADROVÝ FOND)--6
Statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the governing body of a legal entity (SLOVENSKÁ POŠTA, A.S.)--6
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (SPOLOČNOSŤ PRE SKLADOVANIE, A.S.)--6
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (TRANSPETROL, A.S.)--6
member of the statutory body of the Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic--5
member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (SLOVENSKÁ KONSOLIDAČNÁ, A.S.)--5
Member of the supervisory or controlling body of a legal entity (NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND II., A.S.)--5
member of the supervisory or management body of a legal entity (STORAGE COMPANY, INC.)--5
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the managing body of a legal entity (SLOVENSKÝ PLYNÁRENSKÝ PRIEMYSEL, A.S.)--5
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (FOND NA PODPORU UMENIA)--5
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (NADÁCIA SPP)--5
Member of the Supervisory or Control Authority of a Legal Entity (NAFTA A.S.)--5
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (POĽNONÁKUP TATRY A.S.)--5
Member of the control or supervisory body of a legal entity (SLOVAK INVESTMENT HOLDING, A.S.)--5
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (VÝCHODOSLOVENSKÁ DISTRIBUČNÁ, A.S.)--5
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (VÝCHODOSLOVENSKÁ ENERGETIKA A.S.)--5
Member of the Regulatory Board--5
member of a supervisory body or supervisory authority of a legal entity (POZAGAS A.S.)--4
member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (CENTRAL SLOVAK ENERGY, INC.)--4
member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (NUCLEAR AND DECOMMISSIONING COMPANY, J.S.C.)--4
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the governing body of a legal entity (AGENCY FOR EMERGENCY STOCKS OF OIL AND OIL PRODUCTS)--4
Statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (Office for Audit Supervision)--4
Statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (RAILWAY COMPANY CARGO SLOVAKIA, A.S.)--4
Member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (SPORT SUPPORT FUND)--4
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (MH INVEST, S.R.O.)--4
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND I., S.R.O.)--4
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (NÁRODNÉ CENTRUM ZDRAVOTNÍCKYCH INFORMÁCIÍ)--4
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (SLOVENSKÝ FILMOVÝ ÚSTAV)--4
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (BIONT, A.S.)--4
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (ESCO SLOVENSKO, A.S.)--4
Statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (Nuclear and Decommissioning Company, Inc.)--4
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (NÁRODNÁ DIAĽNIČNÁ SPOLOČNOSŤ, A.S.)--4
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (SPP CZ, A.S.)--4
štatutárny orgán alebo člen štatutárneho orgánu a člen riadiaceho orgánu právnickej osoby (ZSE ENERGIA, A.S.)--4
Member of the Control Authority or Supervisory Authority of a Legal Entity (SPP CZ, A.S.)--3
member of the control body or supervisory body of a legal entity (NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND III., S.R.O.)--3
member of the control body or the supervisory body of a legal entity (Slovak Electricity Transmission System, Inc.)--3
member of the controlling or supervisory body of a legal entity (FACULTY HOSPITAL TRNAVA)--3
member of the supervisory body or control body of a legal entity (DEBITUM, A.S.)--3
member of the supervisory body or control body of a legal entity (NATIONAL AGENCY FOR NETWORK AND ELECTRONIC SERVICES)--3
member of the supervisory body or control body of a legal entity (WESTERN SLOVAKIA ENERGY INC.)--3
member of the supervisory body or governing body of a legal entity (ZSSK CARGO INTERMODAL, A.S.)--3
member of the supervisory body or supervisory authority of a legal entity (FUND FOR THE PROMOTION OF EDUCATION)--3
member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (SPP - DISTRIBÚCIA, A.S.)--3
member of the supervisory or control body of a legal entity (ZSSK THU, S.R.O.)--3
member of the supervisory or management body of a legal entity (EUSTREAM A.S.)--3
member of the supervisory or monitoring body of a legal entity (EAST SLOVAK INSTITUTE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, INC.)--3
member of the supervisory or monitoring body of a legal entity (POĽNONÁKUP TATRY, A.S.)--3
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of a management body of a legal entity (REGIONAL OFFICE OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION IN BANSKÁ BYSTRICA)--3
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the governing body of a legal entity (STATE SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY IN PREŠOV)--3
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the governing body of a legal person (STATE SUPPORTED HOUSING AGENCY)--3
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (DEBITUM, A.S.)--3
statutory body or member of a statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (Diplomatic Corps Service Administration, Inc.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the governing body of a legal entity (SLOVAK POST, INC.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SHOPS OF THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, INC.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (Bratislava Stock Exchange, Inc.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (DEPO SERVICES, A.S.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (OKTE, A.S.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (POĽNONÁKUP TATRY, A.S.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (RAILWAY COMPANY SLOVAKIA, A.S.)--3
statutory body or member of the statutory body and member of the management body of a legal entity (SLOVAK NATIONAL GALLERY)--3
Vice Chairman of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries--3
Member of the Bank Board of the National Bank of Slovakia--3
Member of the Supervisory Board of a State Enterprise, Appointed by the State (FORESTS OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC, STATE ENTERPRISE)--3
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (ESCO SLOVENSKO A.S.)--3
člen kontrolného orgánu alebo dozorného orgánu právnickej osoby (ESCO SLOVENSKO, A.S.)--3

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...