Flag of Venezuela


Venezuela, officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in the Caribbean Sea.


Our standard dataset contains 1,759 entities connected with Venezuela. This may include sanctioned entities, politically-exposed persons (PEPs), and their close associates, or entities involved in criminal activity.

Data sources

We include 1 data source published by authorities or organizations based in Venezuela. See our global list of data sources and our criteria for selecting datasets.

Venezuela Members of the National AssemblyAsamblea Nacional de Venezuela weekly274

Sanctions programs/policies targeting Venezuela

We include 4 programs targeting entities located in Venezuela.

IDTitleIssuerTarget countries
[EU-VEN-REST]EU Restrictive Measures In View Of The Situation In VenezuelaCouncil European UnionVenezuela  
[SECO-VEN]Measures Against VenezuelaSECO SwitzerlandVenezuela  
[UK-VEN]UK sanctions relating to VenezuelaOFSI United KingdomVenezuela  
[US-VEN]Venezuela-Related SanctionsOFAC United StatesVenezuela  

Politically-exposed persons (PEPs)

Our database contains 904 entities identified as PEPs connected with Venezuela.

National government positions

Number of known occupants
Head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Executive Vice President1--
President of Venezuela-31
National executive branchesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Minister of Agricultural Production & Lands1--
Minister of Agriculture of Venezuela-1-
Minister of Borders1--
Minister of Commerce1--
Minister of Communes & Social Movements1--
Minister of Communications & Information1--
Minister of Culture1--
Minister of Defense1--
Minister of Ecological Mining Development1--
Minister of Economy & Finance1--
Minister of Ecosocialism1--
Minister of Education1--
Minister of Electrical Power of Venezuela-1-
Minister of Electricity1--
Minister of Finance of Venezuela-1-
Minister of Fisheries & Aquaculture1--
Minister of Food1--
Minister of Food of Venezuela--1
Minister of Foreign Affairs1--
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela-9-
Minister of Ground Transport-1-
Minister of Ground Transportation1--
Minister of Health1--
Minister of Housing & Habitats1--
Minister of Indigenous Peoples1--
Minister of Industry & National Production1--
Minister of Interior, Justice, & Peace1--
Minister of Labor1--
Minister of Penitentiary Services1--
Minister of People's Power of Petroleum-1-
Minister of Petroleum1--
Minister of Planning1--
Minister of Popular Power for Commerce--1
Minister of Popular Power for Communities and Social Movements-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Corrections-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Culture-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Ecosocialism--1
Minister of Popular Power for Fisheries and Aquaculture-31
Minister of Popular Power for Health-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Housing and Habitat--1
Minister of Popular Power for Indigenous Peoples--1
Minister of Popular Power for Interior, Justice and Peace-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Planning-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Science and Technology-1-
Minister of Popular Power for Tourism--1
Minister of Popular Power for University Education, Science and Technology--1
Minister of Popular Power for Water--1
Minister of Popular Power for Women and Gender Equality--1
Minister of Popular Power for Youth and Sports--1
Minister of Popular Power of the Office of the Presidency-1-
Minister of Popular Power of Urban Agriculture-1-
Minister of Public Works1--
Minister of Public Works of Venezuela--1
Minister of Science, Technology, & Innovation1--
Minister of the Office of the Presidency & Government Performance Monitoring1--
Minister of the Popular Power of Ecological Mining Development-2-
Minister of the Popular Power of Industries and National Production-4-
Minister of Tourism1--
Minister of University Education, Science, & Technology1--
Minister of Urban Agriculture1--
Minister of Water1--
Minister of Women & Gender Equality1--
Minister of Youth & Sports1--
Ministerio de Estado para la Transformación Revolucionaria de la Gran Caracas-1-
Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Comercio-1-
Ministro de Estado para la Banca Pública-1-
Ministry of Economy and Finance (Venezuela)-1-
Ministry of Food of Venezuela-2-
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela--1
Ministry of Popular Power for Culture-1-
Ministry of Popular Power for Interior, Justice and Peace-1-
Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Land-3-
Ministry of Popular Power for Public Works-1-
Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism-2-
Ministry of Popular Power of the Office of the Presidency-1-
Venezuelan Minister of Communications and Information-4-
Venezuelan Minister of Environment and Natural Resources-1-
Venezuelan Minister of Popular Power for Education-4-
Venezuelan Minister of the Popular Participation for the Defense--1
Vice President of Venezuela-81
National legislative branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
First Vice President of the National Assembly of Venezuela-11
member of the 2017 Constituent Assembly of Venezuela-1-
Member of the National Assembly-162117
member of the National Assembly of Venezuela-1971
Member of the National Assembly of Venezuela273--
National Assembly-2-
National judicial branchCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Attorney General1--
Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Venezuela--1
National securityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela-1-
Bolivarian Navy-1-
Military Academy Commander in Chief Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías-1-
Central banking and financial integrityCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Central Bank of Venezuela-1-
President, Central Bank1--
Diplomatic rolesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
ambassadeur du Mexique au Venezuela--1
ambassador of Argentina to Venezuela-3-
ambassador of Chile to Venezuela-1-
ambassador of China to Venezuela-1-
ambassador of Colombia to Venezuela-3-
ambassador of France to Venezuela-41
ambassador of Germany to Venezuela-51
ambassador of Indonesia to Venezuela--1
ambassador of Iran to Venezuela-1-
ambassador of Israel to Venezuela-1-
ambassador of Mozambique to Venezuela-11
ambassador of Palestine to Venezuela-22
ambassador of Poland to Venezuela-2-
ambassador of Romania to Venezuela-1-
ambassador of Spain to Venezuela-42
ambassador of the United Kingdom to Venezuela-41
Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela-33
embassy of Uruguay in Venezuela-1-
United States Ambassador to Venezuela-11
Venezuelan ambassador--1
State-owned enterprisesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Defensoría del Pueblo-11
National Electoral Council of Venezuela-11

Intergovernmental positions

Number of known occupants
International bodiesCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Permanent Representative of Venezuela to the United Nations-42
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York1--

Subnational government positions

Number of known occupants
Subnational head of state or governmentCurrentEndedStatus unclear
Chief, Capital District Government1--
governor of Portuguesa1--
list of governors of La Guaira--1

Other positions

Number of known occupants
PositionCurrentEndedStatus unclear
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Venezuela--1
Ministro del Poder Popular para Relaciones Exteriores de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela1--
Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela1--

What do these numbers mean?

We keep track both if political positions and the individuals who occupy those positions over time. Of course, a person can hold a position for multiple terms, and multiple people can occupy the same position at the same time (e.g. members of parliament).

If a person previously held a position, and currently holds the same position, they are only counted once and recorded under Current. If it is unclear from the source whether they have left the position, they will be counted under Unclear.

How can status be unclear?

Some of the data sources we rely on indicate both past and present holders of political offices. In those cases, a lack of a precise end date for a person's occupancy of a position can mean that we don't know whether they currently hold the position or not. Read more...