Kazakhstan State Register of legal entities

Companies and other entities registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their director.

This dataset comrpises all companies and other types of entities registered with the Kazakhstan state register of legal entities.

The information includes the full name of the company (including organization form), one director, the current status, the BIN (might be absent for older companies) a company profile according to General Classifier of Economic Activities, the address, and the date of registration.

Information is available in Kazakh and Russian languages (except for the name of the director, which is usually russian).

While available in the official register, the short name of the company, and founders are not available through this source.

Data overview

Entity types:
Publisher:Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan · Kazakhstan

The Ministry provides legal support for the activities of the state, supports the rule of law in the work of state bodies, organizations, officials and citizens, provides protection of the rights and legal interests of citizens and organizations.

Source data:data.egov.kz · JSON
Coverage:added · update frequency: monthly
Last processed:2024-09-19 07:20:33
Last change:
Warnings:571,055 Warnings

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entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities1.2 GB

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