Lithuania Illegal Financial Services

List of websites that are offering illegal financial services in Lithuania

This dataset contains a list of websites offering illegal financial services in Lithuania. It publishes the company name, brand and domain of the illegal websites.

This copy of the data is only updated occasionally.

Data overview

Entity types:
Publisher:Lietuvos bankas (LB) · Lithuania

The Bank of Lithuania is the Lithuanian member of the Eurosystem and has been the monetary authority for Lithuania from 1922 to 2024.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Regulatory Watchlists · Warrants and Criminal Entities
Source data:www.lb.lt · CSV
Coverage:added · update frequency: daily
Last processed:2024-10-15 11:59:08
Last change:

Bulk download

Downloads contain the full set of entities contained in this dataset. You can fetch a simplified tabular form, or detailed, structured data in JSON format. Updated files will be provided once a day at the same location.

File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities27.4 KB
names.txtTarget names text file1.03 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format35.21 KB
source.csvSource data4.96 KB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON27.4 KB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV13.7 KB

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Using the API

You can query the data in this dataset via the application programming interface (API) endpoints below. Please read the introduction for documentation and terms of service.

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Immediate EdgeOrganization
Immediate EdgeOrganization
Expo TrustOrganization
Expo TrustOrganization
AFT CapitalsOrganization
AlgoFX Trade LTDOrganization
AllProTech OÜOrganization
BBM TRADE LTDOrganization
CG Bank S.AOrganization
Citadel Capital FXOrganization
Dragon Capital LimitedOrganization
Dream Equity LtdOrganization
Forex IM Global LimitedOrganization