Companies Operating in the Uyghur Region

Companies operating in Xinjiang; some engaged in labour transfer and other XUAR Government Programs.

This dataset highlights the corporate landscape of the Uyghur Region, including companies involved in manufacturing, export, professional services, construction, telecommunications, and retail. It provides names, addresses, and sectors in both Chinese and English. The dataset also includes companies related to UFLPA priority sectors such as apparel, tomato, and polysilicon.

Its purpose is to provide a better understanding of the economic landscape in the Uyghur Region amid ongoing human rights concerns. This list represents publicly available information and is not an original research product of the authors or of Sheffield Hallam University.

The companies listed under "Companies Operating in the Uyghur Region" are based there, while those under "Companies Named in Media and Academic Reports as Engaging in Labour Transfers or Other XUAR Government Programs" are identified in reports for their involvement in labor transfers or other government programs in the region.

Note: This data is static and will be updated when new files become available. This list is not exhaustive, nor does it provide data on companies that were registered, de-registered, or otherwise changed status after that time. English translation is machine-generated and may not be accurate. Source: Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice

Data overview

Entity types:
Hong Kong SAR China1
Publisher:Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) non-official source

The Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice is a leading centre for social justice and human rights. Its expertise spans human rights, criminology, law, policing, and probation. The centre leads high-profile projects addressing critical issues such as modern day slavery, gender-based violence, and hate crimes.

Collections:in OpenSanctions Default
Source data:www.shu.ac.uk · HTML
Coverage:added · frequency: monthly
Last processed:2025-01-18 10:34:00
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities38.73 MB
names.txtTarget names text file4.94 MB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format43.05 MB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON3.68 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV1.71 MB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Moyu County Jinsi Road Handicraft Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Jiangnan Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Shihezi Tiandao Lvshen Agricultural Materials Chain Distribution Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Dingshengyuan Textile and Garment Industry Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Urumqi Jingyong Trading CompanyOrganizationChina
Tarim Irrigation District Water Conservancy Management Office of the First Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction CorpsOrganizationChina
Alar Jiafang Textile Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Shihezi Shengda Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Cotton Ginning Plant of Hengfeng Cotton and Linen Co., Ltd. in Akto CountyOrganizationChina
Alar Jiutuan Lvyuan Asset Management Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Jiashi County Shanshan Textile and Garment Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Hongxiang Trade Co., LtdOrganizationChina
Xinjiang Poplar Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Xinjiang Qianhai Zenong Cotton Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina
Aksu Hengchang Knitting Co., Ltd.OrganizationChina