Türkiye Ministry Of Interior Terrorist Wanted List

List of people considered wanted for terrorism by the Türkiye Ministry of Interior

Türkiye has published a list of its most wanted terrorists, which includes details such as names, birth years, and places of birth.

These individuals are classified into five color-coded categories, ranging from red (kırmızı) — indicating the most wanted — to blue (mavi), green (yeşil), orange (turuncu), and grey (gri).

Each category corresponds to a different reward amount for information that leads to the capture of these wanted individuals.

Note: There are concerns about the list lacking a proper legal foundation due to the absence of a legal provision that regulates who can be included, how individuals can be removed, and how authorities can establish or manage the list.

See Turkey’s terror list: An attack on lawyers and human rights

Data overview

Entity types:
Publisher:Türkiye Ministry of Interior · Türkiye
Collections:in OpenSanctions Default · Warrants and Criminal Entities
Source data:terorarananlar.pol.tr · JSON
Coverage:added · frequency: daily
Last processed:2025-01-21 23:47:02
Last change:

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entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities2.33 MB
names.txtTarget names text file37.43 KB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format1.77 MB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON2.97 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV546.71 KB

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Recent additions

The following targeted entities have been added to this data source most recently:

Nebahat DEMİRPersonTürkiye
Rozerin TANRIVERDİPersonTürkiye
Fatma DAYANPersonTürkiye
Mazlum BAĞCIPersonTürkiye
Ahmet TEZGİDERPersonTürkiye
Sakine AYATAPersonTürkiye
Rafia BEYAZPersonTürkiye
Hasan ÇELİKPersonTürkiye
Aygül BİDAVPersonTürkiye
Erkan SEVERPersonTürkiye
Naile BALİPersonTürkiye
Jiyan ŞAHİNPersonTürkiye
Zehra POLATPersonTürkiye
Hasan ACARPersonTürkiye
Midan DEMİRPersonTürkiye