Matcher training data

We've produced a comprehensive dataset of record linkage judgements that can be used to develop entity matching technology. While we're using this data to build our own tools, we're also sharing the data as a community resource.

As soon as you start dealing with entity data, one question becomes ubiquitous: are two given entities the same? Checking if a customer of your business is on a sanctions list, or if a politician has undeclared offshore wealth - both tasks demand a technical answer to this problem.

Integrating sanctions data from different sources raises the same challenge (is the person sanctioned by country X the same as the one sanctioned by country Y?). That's why, in order to de-duplicate the OpenSanctions database, we've made 290,000 (August 2023) manual judgements about entity pairs contained in our system.

The dataset of pairwise judgements is a valuable resource for building our own matching API and its scoring. But as an open project, we're also sharing it for others who might want to develop their own technology. You can find the data here:

Using the pairs data

The data has the following format, with two entities on each line, and a judgement that states if the two records refer to the same logical item (positive) or if they are different logical items (negative):

    "judgement": "negative|positive",
    "left": { ... entity data ... },
    "right": { ... entity data ... },

The data is intended for use with the nomenklatura data integration framework (Python), but can easily be parsed outside of that context. Nomenklatura also contains the basic statistical model which is trained by the OpenSanctions project using the data.

The pairs data is derived from more granular matching judgements that are stored as a directed acyclical identifier graph. Using that raw data requires a more granular understanding of the way in which we de-duplicate entities and is not recommended.

If you use this data, please tell us about this! We're keen to hear how people use this data, and how the format or semantics could be improved.