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Fourth Armoured Division of the Syrian Army

Sanctioned entity
Name4. obrněná divize syrské armády · A Szíriai Hadsereg negyedik páncélos hadosztálya · Ceturtā bruņotā divīzija Sīrijas armijas · Cuarta División Acorazada del Ejército sirio · Czwarta dywizja opancerzona armii syryjskiej · 22 more...[sources]
Other nameالفرقة الرابع[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
Registration numberHXZJWFDKAPT3[sources]
Unique Entity IDHXZJWFDKAPT3[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
Source ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


military unit of the Syrian army led by Maher al-Assad and commanded by Ghassan Bilal

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Place of registration: Damascus; Principal place of business: Syrian regime territory in Syria; Associated individuals: Maher al-Assad, Ghassan Belal

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Place of registration: Damascus

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Associated individuals: Maher al-Assad, Ghassan Belal

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Principal place of business: Syrian regime territory in Syria

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

The Fourth Armoured Division is one of the most prominent military units of the Syrian army led by Maher al-Assad and commanded by Ghassan Bilal. The Fourth Armoured Division is responsible for the violent repression of the civilian population. The Fourth Armoured Division also profits form the war economy, especially the trafficking in Captagon. Captagon trade has become a regime-led business model, enriching the inner circle of the regime and forming its lifeline. Therefore, the Fourth Armoured Division benefits from and supports the regime.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Place of registration: Damascus; Principal place of business: Syrian regime territory in Syria; Associated individuals: Maher al-Assad, Ghassan Belal

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

military unit of the Syrian army led by Maher al-Assad and commanded by Ghassan Bilal

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

Lieu d’enregistrement: Damas - Principal établissement: territoire du régime syrien en Syrie - Personnes associées: Maher al-Assad, Ghassan BelalLa quatrième division blindée est l’une des unités militaires les plus importantes de l’armée syrienne, dirigée par Maher al-Assad et commandée par Ghassan Belal. La quatrième division blindée est responsable de la répression violente exercée contre la population civile. La quatrième division blindée tire également avantage de l’économie de guerre, en particulier du trafic de captagon. Le commerce de captagon est devenu un modèle économique dirigé par le régime, enrichissant le cercle interne du régime et lui permettant d’assurer sa survie. La quatrième division blindée tire donc avantage du régime et le soutient.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Lieu d’enregistrement : Damas Principal établissement : territoire du régime syrien en Syrie Personnes associées : Maher al-Assad, Ghassan Belal

Monaco National Fund Freezing List,


Data sources

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,231

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List33,391

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,261

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

French National Asset Freezing System5,273

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

US SAM Procurement Exclusions112,205

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,695

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,541

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,602

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Source data IDs: eu-fsf-eu-10040-7 · usgsa-s4mrcw7hg · NK-7HA8yvAcJ4fsBN69GqvYwm · fr-ga-6632 · ofac-29066 · ch-seco-62315 · mc-freezes-20c7ec93b2f1879c17918a87b542249dc8b1804d

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