Type | Company | [sources] | |||
Name | CASS CONSTRUCTORES S.A.S. · CASS CONSTRUCTORES S.A.S. (FORMERLY KNOWN AS CASS CONSTRUCTORES & CIA S.A.S.) · CASS Constructores & Cia S.A.S. · CASS Constructores S.A.S. | [sources] | |||
Incorporation date | not available | [sources] | |||
Jurisdiction | Colombia | [sources] | |||
Country | Colombia | [sources] | |||
Registration number | not available | [sources] | |||
Address | CARRERA 7A KM. 16, VEREDA FUSCA, LOTE SHOSUA, CHÍA CUNDINAMARCA, Colombia · Carrera 7a km. 16, Vereda Fusca, Lote Shosua Chía Cundinamarca Republic of Colombia · Carrera 7a km. 16, Vereda Fusca, Lote Shosua, Chia Cundinamarca, Republic of Colombia | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Entities that have been declared ineligible to become EBRD counterparties due to fraud, corruption, collusion, or other prohibited practices.
Global · EBRD
The firms and individuals listed in this dataset are debarred and thus ineligible to participate in World Bank-financed contracts for the periods indicated.
World Bank
The ADB's published sanctions list. It contains the names of entities who violated the sanctions while ineligible; entities who committed second and subsequent violations; debarred entities who are uncontactable; and cross debarred entities.
Global · ADB
Individuals and firms that have been sanctioned by AfDB, for having participated in coercive, collusive, corrupt, fraudulent or obstructive practices under the Bank’s sanctions system.
Global · AfDB
The firms and individuals listed have been sanctioned for having engaged in fraudulent, corrupt, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices, in violation of the IDB Group’s Sanctions Procedures and anti-corruption policies.
Global · IADB
· iadb-firm-cass-constructores-s-a-s
· wbdeb-506422
· afdb-cb977dbe34f5cc6b9f036b99bedd2ae5fdc2936f
· adb-ba8152ba3e509c671a750195abcecb4a89f2cc74
· ebrd-5da870bd8403b591e90bc48f25ff2811132f873c
For experts: raw data explorer
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