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Valentin SUKALO

Sanctioned entity
NameVALENTIN SUKALO · Valentin SUKALO · СУКАЛА Валянцін Алегавіч · СУКАЛО Валентин Олегович[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Data sources

Estonia International Sanctions Act List358

Individuals and entities sanctioned by the Estonia government

Estonia · VM

Lithuania Designated Persons Under Magnitsky Amendments343

The sanctions list aims to prevent foreign individuals involved in gross human rights violations, money laundering, and corruption from entering Lithuania.

Lithuania · migracija

Source data IDs: lt-mag-a259727699a4a52f61e57cfacf7d307ece2560b1 · ee-san-aab5222c640ec7b5fc746950f60564a6612c9154

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