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Federal State Enterprise ANOSIT

Sanctioned entity
NameAnosit Szövetségi Állami Vállalat · FEDERAL STATE ENTERPRISE ANOZIT · Federal State Enterprise ANOSIT · Federal State Enterprise Anozit · Federalne kazenne pidpryiemstvo "Anozit" · 12 more...[sources]
Other nameFederal State Enterprise Anosit) · Federal State Enterprise Anozit · Federal state enterprise "Anozit" · Федеральне казенне підприємство "Анозіт" · Федеральное казенное предприятие "Анозит" · 1 more...[sources]
Incorporation date[sources]
Legal formentreprise fédérale d'État · federal State enterprise · Федеральные казенные предприятия[sources]
Registration number1065471010340 · RPLWZ5JBLHU7[sources]
Tax Number5452112527[sources]
Unique Entity IDRPLWZ5JBLHU7[sources]
AddressKuibyshev, région de Novosibirsk · Kuibyshev, région de Novosibirsk, Fédération de Russie, Sadovoye Koltso str. 1 · Kuibyshev, région de Novosibirsk, Fédération de Russie, Sadovoye Koltso str., 1 · Sadovoye Koltso str., 1, Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region, 632387, Russia · Sadovoye Koltso str., 1, Kuibyshev, RUSSIAN FEDERATION · 5 more...[sources]
Source ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Type of entity: Federal State Enterprise. Principal place of business: Kuibyshev, Russian Federation.

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Place of registration: Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region, Russian Federation

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

TIN: 5452112527

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Principal place of business: Kuibyshev, Russian Federation

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Federal State Enterprise Anosit is a Russian producer of chemical substances used in explosives and rocket fuel. It is owned by the Russian State but according to a decree of the President of the Russian Federation it will be transformed and transferred to the possession of the State corporation Rostec. Therefore, Federal State Enterprise Anosit will remain in the control of the Russian Government. Therefore, Federal State Enterprise Anosit is supporting materially actions which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Federal State Enterprise Anosit produces hydrogen peroxide and is the only producer of ammonium perchlorate in Russia. Ammonium perchlorate is the main component of rocket fuel. Federal State Enterprise Anosit, by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, was included in the list of companies of strategic importance for the Russian Federation. Federal State Enterprise Anosit is strategically important to the Russian military and its rocket forces, because it is the only supplier of rocket fuel.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Type of entity: Federal State Enterprise. Principal place of business: Kuibyshev, Russian Federation.

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

L’entreprise fédérale d’État Anosit est un producteur russe de substances chimiques utilisées dans les explosifs et le propergol. Elle est détenue par l’État russe mais, selon un décret du président de la Fédération de Russie, elle sera transformée et sa propriété sera transférée à la société d’État Rostec. Par conséquent, l’entreprise fédérale d’État Anosit restera sous le contrôle du gouvernement russe. L’entreprise fédérale d’État Anosit produit du peroxyde d’hydrogène et est le seul producteur de perchlorate d’ammonium en Russie. Le perchlorate d’ammonium est le principal composant du propergol. L’entreprise fédérale d’État Anosit a été inscrite, par un décret du président de la Fédération de Russie, sur la liste des sociétés d’importance stratégique de la Fédération de Russie. L’entreprise fédérale d’État Anosit revêt une importance stratégique pour l’armée russe et ses forces balistiques, car elle est le seul fournisseur de propergol. Par conséquent, l’entreprise fédérale d’État Anosit apporte un soutien matériel à des actions qui compromettent et menacent l’intégrité territoriale, la souveraineté et l’indépendance de l’Ukraine.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Type d’entité: entreprise fédérale d’État Lieu d’enregistrement: Kuibyshev, région de Novosibirsk, Fédération de Russie Date d’enregistrement: 15/06/2006 Numéro d’enregistrement: 1065471010340 Principal établissement: Kuibyshev, Fédération de Russie NIF: 5452112527

Monaco National Fund Freezing List,


Data sources

US SAM Procurement Exclusions113,546

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,602

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

French National Asset Freezing System5,285

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,559

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,303

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,719

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,251

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,830

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, re-exports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

Ukraine NSDC State Register of Sanctions17,982

List of individuals and legal entities subject to restrictive measures.

Ukraine · NSDC

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People3,664

Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.

Japan · MoF

External databases

The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:

Russian Unified State Register of Legal Entities (as at Jan 1, 2022)176,478

Companies database of the Russian Federation as maintained and published by the Federal Tax Service.

External dataset · Russia · FNS

Source data IDs: ua-nazk-company-8386 · fr-ga-7046 · ch-seco-69456 · ru-inn-5452112527 · ja-mof-0b03a0dcd641ca1c546de55cb9c3793455f44287 · ofac-46685 · ua-nsdc-22762-federalne-kazenne-pidpriemstvo-anozit · usgsa-s4mrrkt78 · mc-freezes-5b9c42c95ce64807bf762a1b8fe7d6257fe9c1c3 · eu-fsf-eu-10960-26

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