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Jerome Kakwavu Bukande

Sanctioned entity
Other nameCommandant Jerome · Commandant Jerôme · Commandant Jérôme · JEROME GAGAKWAVU · JEROME GAKWAVU BOKANDE · 13 more...[sources]
Weak aliasCommandant Jerome · Commandant Jérôme · Jérôme · ジェローム司令官(Commandant Jérôme)[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Place of birthGoma · Goma Congo (Democratic Republic) · Goma, Congo DR · Goma, DRC · Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo · 2 more...[sources]
NationalityCongo - Kinshasa[sources]
CountryCongo - Kinshasa[sources]
Country of birthCongo - Kinshasa[sources]
First nameCommandant · JEROME · Jerome · Jerome Kakwavu · JÉRÔME · 1 more...[sources]
Last nameGAGAKWAVU · GAKWAVU BOKANDE · Jerome · KAKAWAVU BAKONDE · KAKWAVU · 3 more...[sources]
Second nameKAKWAVU BUKANDE[sources]
TitleCommandant · General[sources]
PositionFormer FARDC General · Général des FARDC en décembre 2004[sources]
AddressAru · KINSHASA, COD · Kinshasa[sources]
Source ·[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Former President of UCD/FAPC. Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004. As of June 2011 detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa. On 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes. In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison for rape, murder, and torture.

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List,

(a) Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004; (b) As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa; (c) As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes; (d) In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison.

Belgian Financial Sanctions,

Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004. As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa. As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes. In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison for rape, murder, and torture.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Former President of UCD/FAPC. FAPC’s control of illegal border posts between Uganda and the DRC – a key transit route for arms flows. As President of the FAPC, he exercised influence over policies and command and control over the activities of FAPC forces, which were involved in arms trafficking and, consequently, in violations of the arms embargo. According to the Office of the SRSG on Children and Armed Conflict, he was responsible for recruitment and use of children in Ituri in 2002. One of five senior FARDC officers who had been accused of serious crimes involving sexual violence and whose cases the Security Council had brought to the Government’s attention during its visit in 2009.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

(a) Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004; (b) As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa; (c) As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes; (d) In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison.

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF),

(a) Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004; (b) As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa; (c) As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes; (d) In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison.

EU Consolidated Travel Bans,

nommé au grade de général des FARDC en décembre 2004. Depuis juin 2011, il est détenu à la prison de Makala à Kinshasa. Le 25/03/2011, le haut tribunal militaire de Kinshasa a ouvert un procès contre Kakwavu pour crimes de guerre. En novembre 2014, il est condamné par un tribunal militaire de la RDC à dix ans d'emprisonnement pour viol, meurtre et torture

French National Asset Freezing System,

Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004.As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa. As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes. In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison for rape, murder, and torture.

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets,


Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People,

Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004. As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa. As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes. In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison for rape, murder, and torture.

UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions,

Given the rank of General in the FARDC in December 2004. As of June 2011, detained in Makala Prison in Kinshasa. As of 25 March 2011, the High Military Court in Kinshasa opened a trial against Kakwavu for war crimes. In November 2014, convicted by a DRC military court to ten years in prison for rape, murder, and torture.

South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions,


Data sources

French National Asset Freezing System5,273

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List4,251

The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law

Australia · DFAT

EU Consolidated Travel Bans4,171

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,602

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Japan Economic Sanctions and List of Eligible People3,664

Sanctions imposed by Japan under its Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law.

Japan · MoF

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,231

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

US SAM Procurement Exclusions112,389

A database of suppliers who have been excluded from participating in US federal procurement.

United States · GSA

Ukraine SFMS Blacklist868

Ukraine's financial intelligence unit publishes this list of sanctioned individuals.

Ukraine · SFMS

UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions1,235

The Security Council's set of sanctions serve as the foundation for most national sanctions lists.


US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)21,674

The Consolidated Screening List (CSL) is a list of parties for which the United States Government maintains restrictions on certain exports, reexports, or transfers of items.

United States · ITA

UK FCDO Sanctions List4,782

UK sanctions collated by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

United Kingdom · FCDO

South Africa Targeted Financial Sanctions875

The South African FIC sanctions list, largely based on UN Security Council sanctions.

South Africa · FIC

US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List34,067

The primary United States' sanctions list, specially designated nationals (SDN) part.

United States · OFAC

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,541

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,695

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

UK HMT/OFSI Consolidated List of Targets6,314

The United Kingom's consolidated international sanctions list.

United Kingdom · OFSI

Source data IDs: au-dfat-634-jerome-kakwavu-bukande · usgsa-s4mr3rc2g · ja-mof-87eb70efb97a7a8d15f958fb3a57226e18e3495b · eu-fsf-eu-3621-48 · gb-hmt-8707 · zafic-1840 · ch-seco-3122 · ua-sfms-986 · mc-freezes-bfce8b8c310e2e509afa0ca26549e8771a930336 · usgsa-s4mr3rbl5 · zafic-416-jerome-kakwavu-bukande · zafic-413 · gb-fcdo-drc0043 · NK-5nisbwZGhRo9UNRPBSKuPh · unsc-6907997 · fr-ga-1248 · eu-tb-logical-3182 · NK-EaCUygNw5dCnaQ9HNeTn9M · ofac-12029

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