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NameJauhen PUSTAVY · Javhen PUSTAVY · Jaŭhen Pustavy · Jevgenij PUSTOVOJ · Jugen Pustavi · 6 more...[sources]
Other namePustovoy Yevgeniy · Yevgeniy PUSTOVOY · Евгений ПУСТОВОЙ · ПУСТАВЫ Яўген · ПУСТОВОЙ Евгений · 1 more...[sources]
Birth date · [sources]
First nameJauhen · Javhen · Jaŭhen · Jevgenij · Jugen · 5 more...[sources]
Last namePUSTAVY · PUSTOVOJ · PUSTOVOY · Pustavi · Pustavy · 3 more...[sources]
PositionBelarusian propagandist and broadcaster. Working for Stolichnoye Televideniye, one of the three national television channels in Belarus, and for Minskaya Prauda, a state newspaper · Propagandiste et radiodiffuseur biélorusse. · propagandiste et radiodiffuseur biélorusse[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Yauhen Pustavy is a Belarussian propagandist working for Stolichnoye Televideniye, one of the three national television channels in Belarus, and for Minskaya Prauda, a state newspaper. He is responsible for disseminating propaganda in support of Lukashenka’s policies and which justifies Russia’ war of aggression against Ukraine. He was awarded by Lukashenka for his merits in the development of the State information policy. Moreover, he is member of the State Commission aimed at verifying political refugees who wish to return to Belarus. This commission was created by Lukashenka with the political aim of portraying the refugees returning to Belarus as persons regretting their actions against the Lukashenka regime. He is therefore benefiting from and supporting the Lukashenka regime.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Belarusian propagandist and broadcaster

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Yauhen Pustavy est un propagandiste biélorusse travaillant pour Stolichnoye Televideniye, l’une des trois chaînes de télévision en Biélorussie, et pour Minskaya Prauda, un journal officiel. Il est responsable de la diffusion de la propagande appuyant les politiques de Loukachenka et qui justifie la guerre d’agression menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine. Il a été récompensé par Loukachenka pour ses contributions à l’élaboration de la politique d’information de l’État. En outre, il est membre de la Commission d’État chargée de procéder à des vérifications sur les réfugiés politiques qui souhaitent retourner en Biélorussie. Cette commission a été créée par Loukachenka dans le but politique de présenter les réfugiés qui retournent en Biélorussie comme des personnes regrettant leurs actions contre son régime. Yauhen Pustavy tire donc profit du régime de Loukachenka et le soutient.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Obywatel Białorusi Yauheni Pustavy jest korespondentem kanału „STV”, aktywnie wspierającym reżim A. Łukaszenki. Z informacji posiadanych przez Agencję Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego wynika, że wjazd i pobyt obywatela Białorusi stanowią zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa państwa. Dotychczasowa aktywność wymienionej osoby sytuuje ją jako zwolennika reżimu Aleksandra Łukaszenki. Taka postawa w obliczu rosyjskich działań wojennych na Ukrainie, wsparcia logistycznego i politycznego udzielonego Moskwie przez władze białoruskie, a także toczonej wobec Rzeczypospolitej wojny hybrydowej stwarza poważne ryzyko prowokacji lub wywołania incydentów skutkujących uszczerbkiem dla pozycji międzynarodowej RP.

Polish List of Persons and Entities Subject to Sanctions,


Data sources

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,554

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Polish List of Persons and Entities Subject to Sanctions535

Decisions by the Polish Interior Ministry regarding entities linked to the aggression in Ukraine.

Poland · MSWiA

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,243

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

EU Consolidated Travel Bans4,170

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

French National Asset Freezing System5,273

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,602

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,717

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

Source data IDs: fr-ga-6874 · plmswia-osoby-pustavy-yauheni · ua-nazk-person-27297 · ch-seco-65409 · eu-fsf-eu-10633-89 · mc-freezes-2211a0be1a9c349f557e540c11212a97122b68e9 · eu-tb-logical-156687

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