Type | Company | [sources] | |||
Name | DIAMVILLE | [sources] | |||
Incorporation date | [sources] | ||||
Jurisdiction | Central African Republic | [sources] | |||
Country | Central African Republic | [sources] | |||
Registration number | CA/BG2019B519 | [sources] | |||
Source link | eur-lex.europa.eu · gels-avoirs.dgtresor.gouv.fr | [sources] | |||
Last change | Last processed | First seen |
Principal place of business: Central African Republic Other information: associated individuals and entities: Prigozhin, Wagner Group, Dimitri Sytyi, Valery Zakharov, Perfilev, Svetlana Troitskaya, Lobaye Invest
screen company used by the Wagner group
Principal place of business: Central African Republic Other information: associated individuals and entities: Wagner Group, Dimitri Sytyi, Valery Zakharov, Perfilev, Svetlana Troitskaya, Lobaye Invest
screen company used by the Wagner group
Diamville is a screen company used by the Wagner Group present in the Central African Republic (CAR) to illegally trade diamonds. It is closely linked to all major actors of the Wagner Group in CAR, such as Dimitri Sytii. Diamville is associated with the Wagner Group, listed for serious human rights abuses, which include torture and extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and killings, in several countries, including the CAR. Through its activities, it provides support for such abuses committed in CAR.
Individus et entités associés: groupe Wagner, Dimitri Sytii, Valery Zakharov, Perfilev, Svetlana Troitskaya, Lobaye Invest - Diamville est une société-écran utilisée par le groupe Wagner en République centrafricaine (RCA) pour le commerce illégal de diamants. Elle est étroitement liée à tous les acteurs de premier plan du groupe Wagner en RCA, tels que Dimitri Sytii. Diamville est associée au groupe Wagner, inscrit sur la liste pour de graves atteintes aux droits de l’homme, dont des actes de torture et des exécutions et assassinats extrajudiciaires, sommaires ou arbitraires, dans plusieurs pays, dont la RCA. De par ses activités, Diamville soutient également de telles atteintes commises en RCA.
Supplemental list of people, companies, and organizations sanctioned for involvement in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
European Union · Council
The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.
France · DGT
As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.
European Union · DG FISMA
Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council
Belgium · FOD
· eu-oj-690f133acb90de4da3260ca8c1ba983ebaabd7ec
· ua-nazk-company-7757
· fr-ga-6442
· ua-nabc-company-7757-diamville
For experts: raw data explorer
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Linked from | ||||
Subject | Role | Start date | End date | |
Dimitri Sytii, Valery Zakharov, Perfilev, Svetlana Troitskaya, Lobaye Invest | - | - | - | |
Wagner Group Sanctioned entity | - | - | - |