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Nishan Engineers (PVT) Limited

Debarred entity
TypeLegal entity[sources]
NameNISHAN ENGINEERS (PVT) LIMITED · Nishan Engineers (PVT) Limited[sources]
Legal formnot available[sources]
CountryUnited Kingdom · Pakistan[sources]
Statusnot available[sources]
AddressNISHAN HOUSE 76-K, IZMIR HOUSING SOCIETY, MULTAN ROAD, LAHORE, 54500, Pakistan · Nishan House 76-K Izmir Housing Society Multan Road Lahore, 54500 Pakistan · Nishan House 76-K, Izmir Housing Society, Multan Road, Lahore, 54500, Pakistan[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Data sources

EBRD Ineligible Entities1,524

Entities that have been declared ineligible to become EBRD counterparties due to fraud, corruption, collusion, or other prohibited practices.

Global · EBRD

WorldBank Debarred Providers2,362

The firms and individuals listed in this dataset are debarred and thus ineligible to participate in World Bank-financed contracts for the periods indicated.

World Bank

Asian Development Bank Sanctions2,342

The ADB's published sanctions list. It contains the names of entities who violated the sanctions while ineligible; entities who committed second and subsequent violations; debarred entities who are uncontactable; and cross debarred entities.

Global · ADB

Source data IDs: adb-e3e9d02192e942685578bbde4b88068d20803252 · ebrd-837e66421423061ea912538cea1fb925cd1f6587 · wbdeb-877157

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