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Bahjat Suleiman

Military · Sanction-linked entity
NameBahjat Suleiman · بهجت سليمان[sources]
Other nameBahjat Sleiman · Bahjat Sulaiman · Bahjat Sulayman · Bahjat Sulaymān · Bahjat Suleimen · 4 more...[sources]
Weak aliasBahjat Sleiman · Bahjat Sulaiman · Bahjat Suleimen · Bahjat Suleyman[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Place of birthLatakia[sources]
Death date[sources]
KeywordsDiplomacy and international relations · Policy sector · Regular armed forces · القوات المسلحة النظامية · دبلوماسية وعلاقات دولية · 1 more...[sources]
SummaryAbu al-Majd. Syria ’s ambassador in Jordan (was expelled). A Chief of Staff Major General and a former doctor in the Syrian Arab Army. Died in 2021. · أبو المجد، سفير سوريا في الأردن (تم طرده) ولواء ركن دكتور سابق في الجيش العربي السوري. توفي في ٢٠٢١[sources]
Wikidata IDQ12199735[sources]
PositionChief of Staff Major-General · Head of Syrian General Intelligence Branch 251 (1999-2005) · لواء ركن[sources]
EducationHoms Military Academy[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


اللواء الركن الدكتور بهجت سليمان. أبو المجد. قائد سابق لسرية وكتيبة وفوج ولواء دبابات في التشكيلات القتالية بالجيش العربي السوري . - شارك في حرب تشرين التحريرية ضد العدو الإسرائيلي عام 1973 كقائد سرية دبابات في القطاع الشمالي. كان أول من رفع شعار "باسل المثل وبشار اﻷمل"، أسند له حافظ اﻷسد مهمة تأهيل "بشار"، الذي كان يزوره بشكل دوري في منزله الكائن في حي "مزة فيلات. لديه العديد من البحوث و المؤلفات عن الرئيس السوري السابق حافظ الأسد و ابنه المتوفي في حادث سيارة باسل الأسد و عن الوضع السياسي العربي. كان مقربا من رفعت وعمل معه في سرايا الدفاع ولكنه تجنبه لاحقا وقدم ولاءه لحافظ. تم عزله من المخابرات العامة في ٢٠٠٥ حيث ذهب ضحية خلافه مع آصف شوكت، وماهر الأسد، وأنهما اتحدا ضده، رغم خلافاتهما مع عائلة ناصيف، منهم محمد ناصيف سلف سليمان في الفرع الداخلي، وفؤاد ناصيف خلفه في إدارة الفرع، فحُمِّل سليمان مسؤولية تجنيد الكثير من الشباب السوري والعربي للقتال في العراق، بالشراكة مع عدد من رجال الدين، وأبرزهم المفتي أحمد حسون ومحمود غول آغاسي، "أبو القعقاع"، الذي اغتيل في ظروف غامضة عام 2007. وقيل أن السبب تورطه في تهديد الحريري قبل اغتيال الأخير. يحمل شهادة دكتوراه في الاقتصاد السياسي عام 1982 من رومانيا (ربما يفسر سبب معرفته بوليد عثمان، سفير سوريا في رومانيا). أكدت مصادر أن بهجت سليمان وابنه مجد أقدما على تهريب حوالي 300 مليون دولار، وخصوصاً أن مجد مقيم في دبي خصيصا لهكذا دور. بجانب مجد وحيدرة، لديه ابنتين إحداهما متزوجة من أكثم دوبا. أوردت بعض المصادر تشارك بهجت سليمان مع الشيخين "حسون والبوطي" في تقوية التيار الصوفي بنسخته الاستقالية من السياسة وتأييد الحاكم بشكل مطلق.

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

Chief of Staff Major General and doctor Bahjat Suleiman, Abu al-Majd, was a former Commander of a Syrian Arab Army tank company. In addition to being a former Commander of a tank battalion, regiment, and brigade. He participated in the October War against Israel in 1973 as a tank company Commander in the northern zone. He was the first to come up with the slogan, "Bassel is the example, and Bashar is the hope". Hafez al-Assad entrusted Bashar ’s education to him. Therefore, Bashar would regularly visit him in his house, which was located in Mezzeh Villas. Suleiman has many studies and writings about the former Syrian President Hafez al-Assad, his dead son Bassel al-Assad, who died in a car accident, and the Arab political situation. He was close to Rafaat and worked with him in the Defence Companies, but he kept away from him later and pledged loyalty to Hafez. Suleiman was dismissed from the General Intelligence in 2005 as he had to pay for his dispute with Assef Shawkat and Maher al-Assad, who joined forces against him, despite their conflicts with the Nassif family (including Muhammad Nassif, Suleiman ’s successor in the Internal Branch, and Fu ’ad Nassif, Muhammad Nassif ’s successor in managing the branch). Hence, Bahjat was held accountable for recruiting many Arab and Syrian youths to fight in Iraq in collaboration with a number of religious scholars, most notably the Mufti Ahmad Hassoun, and Mahmoud Gul Agasi, Abu al-Qaqa, who was, in unclear circumstances, assassinated in 2007. It was said that the reason was his involvement in threatening al-Hariri before al-Hariri ’s assassination. Bahjat Suleiman obtained a PhD in Political Economy in 1982 from Romania (this might explain how he got to know Walid Othman, Syria ’s ambassador in Romania). Sources confirmed that Bahjat Suleiman and his son Majd smuggled some 300 million dollars, especially since Majd was located in Dubai, particularly for such a role. In addition to Majd and Haydara, he has two daughters; one is married to Aktham Douba. Some sources mentioned that Bahjat, along with the two scholars Hassoun and al-Bouti, had contributed to reinforcing the Sufi trend in its apolitical and absolute-support-to-Assad version.

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

Former Syrian Ambassador to Jordan and Head of Internal Branch of General Intelligence Directorate (Syria)

Wikidata non-official source,


Data sources

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,079

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

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