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Nikolay Viacheslavovich RASTORGUEV

Person of interest · Politician · Sanctioned entity
NameNikolai Wjatscheslawowitsch Rastorgujew · Nikolaj Rastorguev · Nikolaj Rastorgujev · Nikolaj Vjatjeslavovitj RASTORGUJEV · Nikolajus Rastorgujevas · 19 more...[sources]
Other nameNikolai Viacheslavovich RASTORGUEV · Nikolaj Vjatjeslavovitj Rastorgujev · Nikolaj Vjatsjeslavovitsj Rastorgujev · Nikolay Vyacheslavovich Rastorguyev · Николай Вячеславович Расторгуев · 6 more...[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Place of birthBykovo, Moscow Region, RSFSR, USSR · Lytkarino · Lytkarino, RUSSIAN FEDERATION · Lytkarino, Russia · Lytkarino, Russian Federation · 2 more...[sources]
CitizenshipRussia · Soviet Union[sources]
Country of birthRussia[sources]
First nameNikolaj · Nikolay · Nikolay Viacheslavovich · Nikolay Vyacheslavovich · Николaй · 1 more...[sources]
KeywordsNational government[sources]
Last nameRASTORGUEV · RASTORGUJEV · RASTORGUYEV · Rastorguev · Rastorguyev · 1 more...[sources]
Middle nameViacheslavovich · Vjatjeslavovitj · Вячеславович[sources]
PatronymicViacheslavovich · Vyacheslavovich · Вячеслaвович[sources]
Tax Number772137899191[sources]
Wikidata IDQ4390600[sources]
PositionChanteur russe · Membre du Conseil public du ministère de la défense de la Fédération de Russie · Presidential proxies in elections · Russian singer and member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation · leader of the group "Lyube" · 3 more...[sources]
Source · · · · · 17 more...[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen



Australian Sanctions Consolidated List,

Russian singer and member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. He actively supported Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine through his musical performances and public activities. He performed during the propaganda rally in support of the illegal annexation of Crimea and the war against Ukraine, which took place on 18 Mar 2022 at Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. Moreover, he performed for soldiers fighting in the war against Ukraine, and donated funds to the Russian-occupied Donbas. He is therefore responsible for, actively supporting and implementing, actions or policies which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, or stability or security in Ukraine.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Chanteur russe et membre du Conseil public du ministère de la défense de la Fédération de Russie. Il a activement soutenu la guerre d'agression menée par la Russie contre l'Ukraine dans le cadre de ses représentations musicales et de ses activités publiques. Il s'est produit lors du rassemblement de propagande en soutien à l'annexion illégale de la Crimée et de la guerre contre l'Ukraine, qui a eu lieu le 18 mars 2022 au stade Loujniki à Moscou. Il s'est par ailleurs produit pour les soldats engagés dans la guerre contre l'Ukraine, et a fait des dons à la région du Donbass, occupée par la Russie. Il est donc responsable d'actions et de politiques qui compromettent ou menacent l'intégrité territoriale, la souveraineté et l'indépendance de l'Ukraine, ou la stabilité ou la sécurité en Ukraine, et soutient et met en œuvre activement de telles actions et politiques.

French National Asset Freezing System,

Authorized representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. Authorized representatives ensured the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who has pursued an aggressive policy against Ukraine since 2014, in the non-competitive presidential election on March 18, 2018.

ACF List of War Enablers non-official source,

Singer. Participated in a concert in support of the war against Ukraine

ACF List of War Enablers non-official source,

Authorized representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin in the non-competitive presidential election on March 15-17, 2024. Authorized representatives voluntarily campaign for the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for unleashing an aggressive war against Ukraine and political repression in Russia. Information from Vladimir Putin's election website: Russian singer and public figure, leader of the Lyube music group, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. ---- The full musical group participates in propaganda events in support of the current political regime and aggression against Ukraine, including events held in territories occupied by Russia. Member of the Public Chamber of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Member of the United Russia party. Previously: Deputy of the State Duma of the fifth convocation, nominated by the United Russia party.

ACF List of War Enablers non-official source,

Russian actor and musician

Wikidata non-official source,


Data sources

Canadian Consolidated Autonomous Sanctions List4,662

Sanctions imposed by Canada on specific countries, organizations, or individuals under the Special Economic Measures Act (SEMA) and JVCFOA

Canada · Global Affairs Canada

Wikidata Persons in Relevant Categories436,651

Category-based imports from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.

Wikidata · non-official source

French National Asset Freezing System5,344

The register lists all persons, entities and vessels subject to asset freezing measures in force on French territory, pursuant to national, European and international (UN) provisions.

France · DGT

Belgian Financial Sanctions6,598

Belgium extends the European FSF sanctions list on the basis of a national terrorist list, issued by the National Security Council

Belgium · FOD

EU Consolidated Travel Bans4,170

Consolidated information about individuals who have been banned from traveling to the European Union, released as part of the EU Sanctions Map.

European Union · Council

Wikidata Entities of Interest3,963

Persons of interest profiles from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.

Wikidata · non-official source

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,713

Switzerland manages a sanctions lists with a high degree of detail on the individuals that are subject to it's embargoes

Switzerland · SECO

Australian Sanctions Consolidated List4,491

The Consolidated List is a list of all persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions under Australian sanctions law

Australia · DFAT

Wikidata Politically Exposed Persons248,532

Profiles of politically exposed persons from Wikidata, the structured data version of Wikipedia.

Wikidata · non-official source

Ukraine War and Sanctions2,602

Sponsors and accomplices of Russian armed aggression against Ukraine.

Ukraine · GUR

EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)6,654

As part of the Common Foreign Security Policy the European Union publishes a sanctions list that is implemented by all member states.

European Union · DG FISMA

Monaco National Fund Freezing List5,312

A list of entities subject to fund and economic resource freezing procedures

Monaco · Monaco

ACF List of War Enablers8,041

A list of Russian decision-makers from government and business composed by ACF/FBK, the anti-corruption organization founded by Alexei Navalny

Russia · ACF · non-official source

External databases

The record has been enriched with data from the following external databases:


Wikidata is the structured data project of the Wikipedia community, providing fact-based information edited by humans and machines

External dataset · Wikidata · non-official source

Source data IDs: acf-405ef13c5b18b5c754658ea3399660f017989a28 · ca-sema-1-1089-ru-nikolay-vyacheslavovich-rastorguyev · ua-nazk-person-8969 · NK-Vybx9kzoXqPPRcYqv8sBYg · acf-826c28e471fdff3e10f32f0eddd1d9dc9de99192 · au-dfat-7888-nikolay-vyacheslavovich-rastorguev · ca-sema-1db46eed19bef00f4eca32b2e0141af9c3f5e1bd · eu-fsf-eu-8793-62 · fr-ga-4965 · mc-freezes-42e3982df2c813cb601305c078fbba24e4eedf37 · ch-seco-57022 · ua-nabc-person-8969-rastorguev-nikolay-vyacheslavovich · ca-sema-1-part-1-1089-ru-nikolay-vyacheslavovich-rastorguyev · ua-ws-d58f8c4048ebee5e72f9e452bf24c7fd376ef144 · eu-tb-logical-144475

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