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Hamid Osman Mohamed

Sanctioned entity
NameHamid Osman Mohamed[sources]
Other nameAmaliyat Osman[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
First nameOsman[sources]
Last nameAmaliyat · Hamid[sources]
Second nameMohamed[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Function: Major General of the RSF; Head of Operations of the RSF

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Associated entities: Rapid Support Forces

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,

Osman Mohamed Hamid is a Major General in the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Head of Operations of the RSF. He has therefore been in charge of the operations carried out by the RSF since the outbreak of the conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the RSF and their allied armed groups, on 15 April 2023, as notably underscored by his presence on the battlefield in Jebel Aulia in November 2023. Osman Mohamed Hamid therefore holds a command responsibility in the continuation of fighting by the RSF and in the violations of international human rights law and of international humanitarian law committed by the RSF. He is responsible for large-scale attacks based on intersecting ethnicity and gender grounds, killings, torture, widespread sexual and gender-based violence, rape, sexual slavery, abduction, the recruitment and use of children in hostilities, and the obstruction of access to humanitarian aid for civilians in need. Osman Mohamed Hamid has therefore been directly involved in the perpetration by the RSF of acts that threaten the peace, stability and security of Sudan. He is also responsible for actions that constitute serious human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law, and actions that directly undermine efforts to resume the political transition in Sudan.

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes,


Data sources

Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes8,704

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