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Bayer AG

Trade risk
NameBayer AG[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Jurisdictionnot available[sources]
Registration numbernot available[sources]
Stock ticker symbolGR: BAYN[sources][sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


"Bayer has been selling products in Iran since the 1880s, according to the company, and founded its first local subsidiary there in the 1960s. Bayer, which sells a variety of products, including medicine, soaps, car treatments and shoe soles, has also sold food, oils, X-Ray equipment and drugs to the American government." The company has $610 million in revenue and benefits from the US government for their investments in Iran during 2000-2009.  Their activities in Iran are currently active. (The New York Times, "Profiting from Iran, and the US," 3/6/2010) (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Works in Iran through its subsidiary Bayer Parsian AG.  (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Chemicals giant Bayer and consumer goods producer Henkel said they are reviewing their Iran business. (Darrel Delamaide, “German firms bend to US sanctions, cutting ties to Iran,” Handelsblatt (Germany), August 9, 2018.) (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

"Germany's trade ties to Iran stretch back to the Middle Ages, and many of the companies currently there have been active in Iran for decades. Some 85 German companies have operations in Iran, from chemical maker BASF AG to Deutsche Lufthansa AG and Bayer AG, and others such as Linde AG and Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler AG are active there, according to the Hamburg-based German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce. More than 7,000 companies conduct business there through local representatives. Germany has become such a big trading partner for Iran because so many of its companies provide the machinery and engineering prowess Iran needs to improve its infrastructure." (The Wall Street Journal, "German Firms Feel Pressure Over Tehran Trade," 10/3/09) (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

“Bayer looks back on a very long history in the Iranian market and has been present with an own entity in Iran for more than 50 years.”

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Over the last three presidential administrations, the United States government has granted Bayer 13 special licenses to do business in Iran. (New York Times, "Companies with Permission to Bypass Sanctions," 12/24/10) (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,


Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

The Managing Director of "Bayer Middle East FZE", Mr. Harald Liedtke, serves as a board member of the German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce in Tehran. (AME Info, "Harald Liedtke new Managing Director of Bayer Middle East," 6/26/2011; German-Iranian Chamber of Commerce website, "Vorstand") ( (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,


Data sources

Iran UANI Business Registry2,306

List of companies involved in international business with or in Iran, including their withdrawal status from Iranian business ties, maintained by United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI).

United States · UANI · non-official source

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