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Firm activity: Exploration of Moghan 2 oil and gas block project in Ardebil province;

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

(GAO Report 2010 - "Firms Reported in Open Sources as Having Commercial Activity in Iran’s Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Sectors") (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Commercial activity: Contract worth at least $140 million;

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Firm comment: Confirmed activity. Noted contract value is $40 million.

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Status: Contract signed April 2008;

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,


Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

"On 8 April 2008, INA- INDUSTRIJA NA FTE, d.d. signed in Teheran an exploration contract w ith the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) for exploration on the Moghan - 2 block in Iran. The contract was awarded after the NIOC's invitation to tender for exploration and development of 17 exploration blocks. INA-INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d. submitted its tender for one block, Moghan-2.  The primary purpose of the project is to discover new hydrocarbon reserves through a contract on provision of services with the National Iranian Oil Company.  The exploration block Moghan-2 is located in the northw estern part of Iran, in the Caspian region near the border w ith Azerbaijan. It is a low -lying or slightly rolling area of 3,230 square kilometres. In the 1960-ties, four exploration w ells had been drilled on the block, and a significant presence of oil w as determined on tw o of them.  On behalf of INA-INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d. the contract w as signed by Josip Križ, Director of Exploration of INA-INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d. Oil and Gas Exploration and Production division. In case of a commercial discovery, the term of the Contract w ould be 25 years, divided into the exploration, appraisal and development phases followed by the repayment period. INA- INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d. will be the operator for exploration and development activities, and NIOC is to take over as the operator in the production phase." (Company Website - Press Release, 2008) (

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,

Firm/country: INA/Croatia;

Iran UANI Business Registry non-official source,


Data sources

Iran UANI Business Registry2,329

List of companies involved in international business with or in Iran, including their withdrawal status from Iranian business ties, maintained by United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI).

United States · UANI · non-official source

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