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Menggelyk LLC

NameMenggelyk LLC[sources]
Other name俄罗斯联邦图 瓦共和国 《蒙戈列克》有限责任公司[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Jurisdictionnot available[sources]
DescriptionShareholder of China Inner Mongolia Horizon International Trade Corporation.[sources]
Registration numbernot available[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


The UN Panel of Experts has obtained the name of the Russian Federation company only in Chinese because it was registered in the Chinese business registry and the Russian Federation declined to investigate the company for the reason stated above. "Menggelyk" is the phonetic translation.

DPRK Reports non-official source,


Data sources

DPRK Reports5,518

A database of entities and events related to North Korea's sanctions evasion efforts.

United Kingdom · RUSI · non-official source

For experts: raw data explorer