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توفيق جدعان

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Nameتوفيق جدعان[sources]
Other nameمحمد توفيق جدعان[sources]
Birth date[sources]
KeywordsBusiness and Trade · Policy sector · opposition · قطاع الأعمال والتجارة · قطاع السياسة · 1 more...[sources]
SummaryHafiz Assad’s policies and settled in Britain. His daughter Manal Jadan wife Maher Assad · عارض سياسات حافظ الأسد واستقر في بريطانيا. ابنته منال جدعان زوجة ماهر الأسد[sources]
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He has a major past in opposition to the Syrian regime, as he was chased to leave it to Saudi Arabia, including Britain to work on a great fortune. He died after 10 days on his daughter’s marriage from Maher al-Assad. From Deir Al-Zour City

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

له ماض كبير في معارضة النظام السوري، حيث أنه تم مطاردته ليغادر من بعدها إلى السعودية ومنها إلى بريطانيا ليعمل على تكوين ثروة كبيرة. توفي بعد ١٠ أيام على زواج ابنته من ماهر الأسد. من مدينة دير الزور

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,


Data sources

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,079

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

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