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طارق الأسد

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طارق الأسد is a family member or associate of a politically exposed person. They have not been found on international sanctions lists.
Nameطارق الأسد[sources]
Other nameطارق بديع الأسد[sources]
Birth date[sources]
Nationalitynot available[sources]
KeywordsGeneral activity · Irregular armed forces · Miles for the system · Shabiha · القوات المسلحة غير النظامية · 3 more...[sources]
SummaryOne of the children of the Assad who issued many criminal notes against them according to the leaks of the link. He knows about it for many problems and intake and bullying · أحد أبناء بديع الأسد ممن صدرت مذكرات جنائية عديدة بحقهم بحسب تسريبات زمان الوصل. يعرف عنه افتعاله لكثير من المشاكل وأعمال التشبيح والبلطجة[sources]
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Tariq al-Assad and his mother Samira. According to the leaks of the time, there is a note issued against him: named is required 3 times, two times, including the robbery, and the third in the crime "anchored officer" sentenced to 7 days and less than 10 lira (9.75 lira). I also wrote time to the link with his martyr with the glory of the sponsor after a traffic dispute between his son Jaafar and Ibn Majd, which resulted in a large quarrel where his brother Bashar al-Assad and his brother Bassel Ghayath Lion

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

طارق بديع الأسد والدته سميرة . بحسب تسريبات زمان الوصل فإن هناك مذكرة صادرة بحقه: ورد اسمه مطلوبا 3 مرات، مرتان منها بجرم السرقة، والثالثة بجرم "تحقير موظف" حكم عليه إثرها بالحبس 7 أيام وبغرامة أقل من 10 ليرات (9.75 ليرة). كما كتبت زمان الوصل عن مشاجرته مع مجد الراعي إثر خلاف مروري بين ابنه جعفر وابن مجد، والذي نجم عنه مشاجرة كبيرة دخل فيها أخوه بشار الأسد وابن أخيه باسل غياث الأسد

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,


Data sources

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,080

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

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