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آلاء الخياط

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Nameآلاء الخياط[sources]
Other nameDr Alaa Al Khayyat[sources]
Birth datenot available[sources]
NationalityQatar · Syria[sources]
KeywordsBusiness and Trade · Qatar · قطاع الأعمال والتجارة · قطر[sources]
SummarySyrian businesswoman is a businessman Mohammed Hamsho · سيدة أعمال سورية قطرية، خالها رجل الأعمال محمد حمشو[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Syrian businesswoman. CEO and Chairman of the Syrian American Medical Center SAC, in Doha, Qatar.

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,

سيدة أعمال سورية قطرية. الرئيس التنفيذي ورئيس مجلس إدارة المركز الطبي السوري الأمريكي SAC، في الدوحة، قطر.

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks non-official source,


Data sources

Syrian Observatory of Political and Economic Networks1,079

A knowledge graph of persons of interest inside Syria, including detailed information on family relationships and business ties.

Obsalytics · non-official source

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External dataset · OpenSanctions · non-official source

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