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Member of the board, NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC

NameMember of the board, NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC[sources]
Subnational jurisdiction name or codenot available[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Position holders
HolderStart dateEnd date
KOK Moi Lre Politician--
Robert PHUA Chung Ann Politician--
Benedict KOH Politician--
Ayesha Khanna Politician--
BG PHUA Jia Kai Politician--
BAEY Theng Mong Politician--
TAN Chee Wei Politician--
Isabel CHONG Politician--
Esa Han Hsien MASOOD Politician--
Pauline GOH Politician--
CHUA Tiow Chye Politician--
Anna KU Politician--
LIM Kok Kiang Politician--
Karen CHONG Politician--
Eileen CHUA Politician--

Data sources

Singapore Government Directory1,757

Senior officials of ministries, statutory boards and other public bodies in Singapore.

Singapore · SGD

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