Frequently asked questions

#32: Who is exempted from commercial licensing?

Category: Commercial · Last updated: · Permalink

The database published by OpenSanctions is shared under the conditions of the Creative Commons Non-Commercial License. In short, this means that the data is free to use for non-commercial uses such as academic research, activism or hobbyist analysis. Beyond the definition of non-commercial use provided by Creative Commons, we also grant a zero-cost license to the groups listed below:

  • any journalistic media that publish their findings in the public interest
  • advocacy and non-profit groups working to improve democratic governance
  • any public institution of a country invaded by the Russian Armed Forces (UA, GE, MD).

How can I get a free API key?

We issue free API keys to journalists, anti-corruption activists and academic research projects related to sanctions policy. To request a free key, please sign up (using a work email address, if you have one) and fill out the form provided. For many news organizations (including all GIJN member organizations), NGOs and academic institutions, free API keys will be generated automatically based on your email address.

Please note that operating the API is not free for us. Hobbyists, OSINT enthusiasts without a public interest mandate and computer science students are encouraged to use the bulk data or self-hosted API if they wish to explore the data.

Can my company use the data for free if we don't make money off it?

Most of the uses of our data are not revenue-generating: compliance is usually a cost center in organizations. Our data is mainly used in order to avoid doing things. Please note that any use of the data undertaken by for-profit businesses that do not directly generate revenue (product demos, showcases) are considered commercial use and require a data license.

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