We provide a fully auditable, high-quality database for open source intelligence. This includes carefully cleaned and de-duplicated entities that are subject to manual review. The use of this data for any business purposes requires a licensing agreement.
Our pricing model is simple: We offer three license tiers, tailored to different use cases. All licenses cover the complete dataset, updated multiple times daily, and reflect the different contexts in which the data is used.
Use the OpenSanctions dataset for commercial applications (e.g. using the self-hosted API), such as screening of clients and business partners.
Use the OpenSanctions dataset for transaction monitoring or anti money-laundering checks in a financial services company.
Quickly integrate up-to-date sanctions and PEPs data into your application with our powerful matching and search APIs. Pay as you go pricing, self-service sign-up, and the full OpenSanctions dataset.
Not ideal for you? OpenSanctions provides licensing exemptions for journalists and activists. We are also happy to provide discounts for startups, and those building new products.
Got more questions? Check out the Commercial use FAQ
OpenSanctions is free for non-commercial users. Businesses must acquire a data license to use the dataset.