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Independent National Bank

Financial crime · Bank · Regulator warning
NameIndependent National Bank[sources]
Incorporation datenot available[sources]
Dissolution date[sources]
JurisdictionUnited States[sources]
CountryUnited States[sources]
Registration number23484[sources]
AddressOcala, FL[sources]
Last changeLast processedFirst seen


Cert: 27344

US FDIC Failed Banks,

Fund: 10281

US FDIC Failed Banks,


Data sources

US FDIC Failed Banks873

The FDIC provides a list of bank failures and the institutions that acquired them.

United States · FDIC

US OCC Enforcement Actions5,920

The US banking regulator OCC publishes a list of companies and individuals against which punitive measures have been applied.

United States · OCC

Source data IDs: us-fdic-f78e444201be5219d4adbab75113ac496a1799e0 · us-occ-23484-independent-national-bank

For experts: raw data explorer