Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

A politically exposed person (PEP) is a person that has been entrusted with a prominent public function. PEPs include elected officials and members of government.

This collection contains data about politically exposed persons (PEPs) from multiple sources. We include lists of office-holders both directly from official sources like governments and also from third-party sources that have been aggregated by other organizations.

Data overview

Entity types:
Legal entities2,435
251 countries · Show overview...
Coverage:added · frequency: daily · every 12 hours
Last processed:2024-12-21 12:27:03
Last change:

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File nameExport typeSize
entities.ftm.jsonFollowTheMoney entities622.99 MB
names.txtTarget names text file20.78 MB
pep-positions.jsonPEP position occupancy summary (Early preview)22.49 MB
senzing.jsonSenzing entity format463.83 MB
targets.nested.jsonTargets as nested JSON840.17 MB
targets.simple.csvTargets as simplified CSV98.74 MB

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Data sources55

Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) is a collection which bundles together entities from 55 data sources. See the source browser for more details...

Argentina Members of ParliamentArgentina257
Armenia Public Officials and AssociatesArmenia8,600
Austria Public OfficialsAustria1,585
Brazil Politically Exposed PersonsBrazil134,755
Cayman Islands Members of ParliamentCaymans62
Cayman Islands Senior Judicial OfficersCaymans20
China National People's Congress on WikipediaGlobal2,941
Colombian Joining the Dots PEPsColombia188
Colombian PEP DeclarationsColombia17,179
Croatia State Registry of Public OfficialsCroatia4,980
Cuba Members of the ParliamentCuba471
Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland PEPsDenmark1,894
Estonia Members of the RiigikoguEstonia102
EU Prominent Public FunctionsEuropean Union1,392
European Commitee of the Regions MembersEuropean Union952
European Parliament MembersEuropean Union933
Every Politician58,852
French MayorsFrance68,832
French National AssemblyFrance4,026
French SenatorsFrance911
Georgia Public Official Asset DeclarationsGeorgia23,666
German Legislators from AbgeordnetenWatchGermany2,638
Hong Kong Legislative Council MembersHong Kong192
Hong Kong Principal OfficialsHong Kong52
Iceland parliamentIceland36
Indonesia 2018 Regional Head Election ResultsIndonesia652
Israel Knesset MembersIsrael473
Latvian SaeimaLatvia101
Lithuania Members of the SeimasLithuania142
Lithuania PEPs from the register of private interestsLithuania66,249
Mexico Chamber of DeputiesMexico501
Mexico GovernorsMexico88
Mexico SenateMexico129
Netherlands House of RepresentativesNetherlands151
Nigeria Joining the Dots PEPs and PEP RelativesNigeria4,403
Nigerian Politically Exposed Persons data by ChipperNigeria40,807
North Macedonia Elected and Appointed OfficialsNorth Macedonia10,473
PEPs from Chile Interest and Asset DeclarationsChile7,095
Singapore Government DirectorySingapore1,758
Slovenian Political Officials from ZvezoskopSlovenia372
South Africa Municipal LeadershipSouth Africa1,538
South Africa National and Provincial LegislatorsSouth Africa1,948
Thailand Cabinet of MinistersThailand65
Türkiye Grand National AssemblyTürkiye594
UN Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs1,028
United States Periodically Listing Updates to Management (PLUM) ReportingUnited States12,463
Uruguayan Politically Exposed Persons (PEP)Uruguay6,814
US CIA World Factbook Heads of State and GovernmentUnited States876
US CIA World LeadersUnited States11,090
US Legislators by Plural (formerly OpenStates)United States11,915
US Members of the CongressUnited States1,263
US Navy LeadershipUnited States606
US State Department Senior OfficialsUnited States621
Venezuela Members of the National AssemblyVenezuela275
Wikidata Politically Exposed Persons248,542